
Summary: We walk in the Light of the Lord. God's Word teaches truth. God's Word provides peace.


January 10, 2021 - Epiphany 1 - ISAIAH 2:2-5

INTRO.: Believers are God’s children. This is our great comfort. Greater strength. Greatest joy. Jesus’s Father is our Father. This truth means everything in the world and into eternity for us. For every believer. As God’s children our Father empowers us by his grace to walk in his light. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth” (EPHESIANS 5:8, 9). Now we can and want to “…WALK IN THE LIGHT OF THE LORD.” I. God’s Word teaches the truth. II. God’s Word provides us peace.


A. Verse 2. “This will take place in the latter days”. Jesus’ birth and life on earth began “latter days”.

1. The Lord’s house was established on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem.

2. Its importance, not height, makes it greater than any other hill. Nations stream to it.

B. Verse 3a. Peoples will come to God’s house. Nations, peoples means those other than Jews.

1. Gentiles (nations, peoples) will come to the house of the God of Jacob.

2. In God’s house the Lord will instruct them about his ways. A light for their path.

3. The once holy temple reserved for Israel now becomes a house of worship for all nations.

C. Verse 3b. From Zion = temple mount. God’s law = word will go out.

1. God’s word will go out from Jerusalem. Jesus would commission his disciples “to go”.

2. No temple nor city was able to contain God’s truth for the peoples and the nations.

D. Israel and the Jewish nation were shocked by these words of God. They thought they were the only chosen children of God. No. God’s truth was that his salvation extended to all peoples of eve-ry nation. God’s truth is that he wants all people to be saved. You. Me. ALL. Truth can be and often is challenging. Jesus stood before Pilate and told the truth. "Jesus answered, ‘I am, as you say, a king. For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice’” (JOHN 18:37). You know Pilate’s response: “What is truth?” Refreshing in a way. Pilate posed this question to the One who rightly taught that he was the Way and the Life and the TRUTH. Oh that we would have more ask about the truth. People live in their self-acclaimed world of truth. Their truth is what they want it to be. Whether true. Or not. The truth of this world is not the Word of Truth. Consider: gender confusion… health claims.

E. Rejoice believers, children of God, that by God’s grace you hear the truth. Read the truth. Study the truth. Now even know the Truth. The devil tries to confuse God’s truth. The world wants to reject God’s truth. Our own sinful nature wants to make up our own truth. All of these enemies of God’s truth are dangerous. Our Father has given us hearing ears. Believing hearts. Light and truth for our path. “From your precepts I gain understanding. Therefore, I hate every false road. Your words are a lamp for my feet and a light for my path" (PSALM 119:104, 105). God’s Word is the light and truth that scatters the darkness. We hate the evil. Love the good. Walk in God’s Light.

F. Do not let the devil deceive you. Satan even tried to fool Jesus into doing something sinful. The devil’s deceptions failed. Completely. God’s Word of truth defeated him. Do not allow the world to confuse you. Worldly experts sound convincing. “We have the answer!” Not always truthful. Or true. It really is difficult to know the answer without recognizing the problem. “We preach Christ crucified, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men" (1 CORINTHIANS 1:25). God’s Word is Truth. Light. This is the answer to all our sin problems.

“…WALK IN THE LIGHT OF THE LORD.” God’s Word teaches the Truth to light our path.


A. Verse 3b. God’s Word, Truth, and Light will go out to the ends of the earth. To nations.

1. Verse 4a. Judge many nations. Intercede between many peoples. Beyond Israel.

2. The judgment of God would center on mercy. Forgiveness. Salvation through Christ.

B. Verse 4b. Swords into plowshares. Spears into trimming blades. Peace is described.

1. Nation not against nation. Jews (nation) and Gentiles (nations) will worship together.

2. No need for fighting against each other. Jesus’ sacrifice paid for peace. Forgiveness.

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"Imitators Of Christ"


By: Gary Smith

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