Visionary Or Stationary
Contributed by Mike Turner on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Visionary or Stationary ? Which word describes your Christian life ?
Visionary Or Stationary
Numbers 13:1-33
Let me attempt to define these two words. The word "visionary" means "characterized by vision or foresight".
While the word "stationary" means "not moving or unchanging".
I have heard the word "visionary" defined from a Christian perspective as "he who sees what can be done for God, and has a passion to do it."
Now let me ask you........are you a visionary or are you stationary ? How do you see The Rock Baptist Church ? Are we visionary or stationary ? Are we looking for ways that we can improve our church ? Do we have an eye toward the future looking, searching for ways in which we can further, and better minister for the Lord. Do we have a vision of lost souls in our community, and a passion to reach them ?
Or......are we willing to settle for status quo ? Just enough to get by, and nothing more ! Unwilling to change, unmoving and unyielding in our own lives and having no desire to see the work of God advance !
I believe that believers should be visionaries. I believe that the church of the living God should be visionary. The only time we should be stationary is when we’re awaiting further instructions, and directions from God.
In our text today, the children of Israel are poised to enter the promised land. So long they have traveled, and waited for this day. Victory is just over the hill....just around the bend. However, they would fail to enter. Instead of entering the promised land they would be cursed with wandering in the wilderness for 40 years because those who would be stationary outnumbered those who were visionary. The Bible clearly warns of the danger of lacking vision. Pro 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish............"
I. Characteristics Of Those Who Are Stationary.
a. They are pessimistic. V26-28
When the 12 returned from spying out the land, they carried fruit from the land. They had a cluster of grapes so large that it took two men to carry it on a pole between them. They acknowledged that the land was one flowing with milk and honey. But notice that one word in V28 defines their outlook and attitude. That word is "nevertheless". Don’t you just hate it when someone is telling you something, and then they insert the word, "nevertheless, however, or but".
In spite of their reasons to be optimistic, and opportunistic, 10 of the spies choose to be stationary. They become pessimistic.
"The optimist sees the doughnut, The pessimist sees the hole."
b. They are phobic.
The person who is stationary is not only pessimistic, but is also phobic. They live a life that is governed by fear rather than by faith. Notice the attitudes of the 10 who were stationary. (V28) "the people be strong..............the cities are walled(or guarded) .........."we saw the children of Anak there" And then notice in V29 they give more reasons to be fearful, and not to crossover into the land.........the land is controlled by the ’kites, the ’tites, the’sites, the ’rites, and the ’nites.
Fear will paralyze us both in our personal lives, in our service for Christ, and in our Church life. We must not be a people controlled by fear, but people who are compelled by our faith in Jesus Christ !
c. They are powerless. V31-33
......."We be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we.
Literally: We do not have the power !
They were right in this regard. They did not have the power.
Yet they had the promise of the one who did that he would give them the land. Those who choose to remain stationary are powerless because they do not factor in the power of God.
The pessimists, and unbelievers see giants, but those with faith see God ! Who are you focused on in your life ? Giants or God ?
d. They are problematic.
People who are stationary unwilling to change, unwilling to be flexible are problematic. Their lack of faith not only hinders their own spiritual life, but is a hindrance to those around them. Notice what problems were created because of those who chose to be stationary !
Joshua 14:8 says that they made the heart of the people to melt.
Numbers 14
1. The problem of crying.
2. The problem of complaining
2. The problem of confusion.
3. The problem of coercion.
4. The problem of consequences.
The unbelief of ten of the spies paralyzed the congregation of Israel. It produced fear in their hearts to the point that they would not advance and receive the promises of God.
Their complaining soon rose to the point to where they were ready to appoint a captain over them to lead them back to Egypt. With God if we’re not moving forward, we’ll soon be going backwards !