
Summary: God gave us the victory in our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. This sermon teaches your congregation on the benefits of being obidient to the Holy Spirit of God

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Here we find Jesus teaching the multitudes about the consequences of sin in the believer’s life. As you study this scripture you have many interesting dynamics occurring in the life of Jesus. As we walk into this moment in history, and if we read just a few verses earlier, we see Jesus demonstrating that the kingdom of God had come in him.

Reading forward, we see Jesus, unleashing an attack on his accusers, explaining to them that they need to come clean, they need to "show their true colors…

These people, who while their exterior appear to be right, Jesus said that your true colors would disclose the true intentions of your heart…

In this particular scripture, Jesus pulls no punches…

He gives us a straight forward, no holds barred, warning against the one unforgivable sin.

God says that "all manner of blasphemy and sin shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men."

As a subject today the title of this sermon is " The Victory over Sin"

Now, according to author and theologian A.J. Conyers, the New Testament drives home three primary ideas of sin. Alienation, Bondage and Unbelief.

If we were the "come clean"…

If we were to place the mirror in front of us…

We could ask ourselves these primary ideas in the form of questions.

Have I alienated myself from God in sin?

Do I have sins that are keeping me in Bondage?

Are my unbelief’s (or doubts) a catalyst for sin?

We are going to deal with these aspects of sin as we see how these issues of sin can contribute toward the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.

So let’s get to this… Just think about the word for a moment…


The Word itself has an interesting background… It comes from the Hebrew meaning guilt or fault. In the Greek it comes from the word Par-ap-to-mah which means to have a lapse or deviation against the norm.

For the believer, sin is an inevitable consequence of our life in this world. It started with Adam and is part of our nature. The bible says that All have sinned…

But for the believer, although we will sin in the flesh, the spirit of God

Allows us to overcome the temptations of sin and the devices of the author of sin. When you think of sin, and you think of temptation, you can just as easily replace those words with the devil.

The devil wants nothing more for you to alienate yourself from God.

He wants to separate you from what is good for you. Why? Because the devil wants you to do to God, what he did.

Betray him…

When sin tempts us and we buy in, we have betrayed the Holy Spirit.

We have betrayed the Comforter…

We have betrayed the Holy Ghost…

We have betrayed the spirit that God has told us will direct us toward righteousness…

And therefore, we have betrayed God.

To betray means to: Hand Over…

When you hand something over, you are releasing it from your possession; you are giving it up…

You are no longer holding it.

Just as Judas betrayed Jesus, When we are betraying the spirit.

When we are tempted by sin and accept it, We have handed over the Spirit of God to the Temptation of the Devil…

We have to be able to identify, bind and rebuke the temptations of sin…

Because when Jesus said (John 12:31) " Now is the judgement of this world; Now the prince of this world be cast out"

He is letting us know that he has defeated the Devil…

He is letting us know that he is bearing the weight of sin for the world…

He told us that (John 12:32) "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me."

When the devil is dispatching his demons… We have to lift up the name of Jesus…

When his fallen angels have arrived… We have to lift him up…

When the Devil try’s to move you away from what God has purposed in your life… You have got to lift up the name of Jesus and rebuke that devil.

He has no power over the spirit of God…

He has no strength over the spirit of God…

He has no authority over the spirit of God…

He has no rights over the spirit of God…

When God gave you the Holy Spirit, He gave you the Power

He gave you the Strength…

He gave you the authority…

But we don’t realize the power that we have. We have what I call a Judas complex, we betray our self in Sin.

We want to stop the sin of drunkenness, but we betray the Holy Spirit

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