
Summary: There is power in our acknowledgment that God is worthy of our worship and praise

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This morning we continue in this fourth installment in our series on Praise. We began with “THE BATTLE CRY OF PRAISE” – we then examined “THE WEAPON OF PRAISE” followed last week with “THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE” – this morning I continue with the thought “UNLEASH THE POWER OF PRAISE.”

The beauty and simplicity of Psalm 117 needs little commentary. Psalm 117 is not only the briefest chapter of the scriptures; it also falls, appropriately, at the center of the Bible. The brevity of Psalm 117 has been a subject of conjecture among Bible students and scholars.

• Some propose the two verses were an ancient doxology, sung by worshippers in the Temple and the synagogues at the close of a worship service

• Others suggest the two verses were a closing thought to other Psalms of worship

• Whenever it might have been sung is not as important as the intent of the Psalm -- To sing “HALLELUJAH,” to the LORD!


• To “Praise,” is to Boast - Celebrate - Sing “Hallelujah”

We know through the preaching and teaching the past few weeks that praise gives us access to God. Recall with me in PSALM 100:4 “ENTER HIS GATES WITH THANKSGIVING AND HIS COURTS WITH PRAISE.” This verse refers to Moses’ Tabernacle in the wilderness. The Tabernacle was divided into three parts. The Outer Court -- The Inner Court -- The Holy Of Holies where God dwelled.

• There was only one gate - one entrance - into The Outer Court

• If you wanted to approach God, you had to go through the gate, into the courtyard, and finally into The Holy of Holies

In the days of Moses, only the High Priest could enter into The Holy of Holies. It was not accessible to everyone. However, when our Great High Priest died according to Hebrews 4:14-16, the veil to The Holy of Holies was torn allowing us access to God. Hallelujah!

• The Gate you come through to approach God is thanksgiving and the Court you enter is praise

Psalm 100:4 should be so much more meaningful in light of its historical context

It pains me to see people skip the Praise and Worship portion of a service. Worse yet, I’ve been in worship and conferences where the Pastor or visiting Preacher would skip out on worship and show up at the very end just in time to Preach.

• Praise and Worship is not the opening act to the Pastor's or Preacher’s message!

• Praise softens the soil of your heart so the seeds of the message can be planted

• To have direct access to God, it is essential to come through Praise

How can you incorporate Praise into your everyday life giving you access to God? You have to make it personal.

• You can turn on praise music while you clean the house

• You can turn on praise music while you are in the car

• You can turn on praise music while you are cooking in the kitchen

• You can turn on praise music while you are sitting on the porch

• You can praise Him before your Prayer or Bible Study time

• You can sing to Him before you pray

• You can praise Him before you open your Bible

• You can turn on praise music as you are driving to church

• Till up the soil of your heart with praise, and then allow God to plant His words into fresh soil

Praise changes you. Being in the midst of worship, I have seen a lot from the platform.

• I’ve seen the hardest of hearts melt

• I’ve seen repentance

• I’ve seen friendship restored and marriages heal

• I’ve seen children coming back to their parents, and parents return to their children

• Praise can change you if you allow it to

Praise changes relationships - it changes hearts - it changes mindsets. In Praise, our focus shifts from -

• Us to the Lord

• From Problems to The Solution

• From Pain to Promise

• From Hurt to Hope

Proverbs 27:21 says, “AS THE FINING POT FOR SILVER, AND THE FURNACE FOR GOLD; SO IS A MAN TO HIS PRAISE.” So often, when we have heated our Spirits in worship - Thoughts - Desires - Attitudes rise to the surface. As we are broken and heated in the presence of the Lord, those negative attitudes rise to the surface of our hearts. We are then able to bring them to Jesus to be forgiven and cleansed.

When we make a decision to fix our eyes on Jesus, and daily give Him Praise, no matter what is staring us in the face, we will begin to see the struggles lose their grip over us. There is power in our acknowledgment that God is worthy of our worship and praise. And as we press close to Him, our hearts become more in tune with our Creator and King.

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