Summary: UFOs have gone mainstream. It's a topic that we can no longer ignore. Most Christians are not prepared to intelligently address or discuss the topic from a biblical worldview.

UFOs: 5 Things You Should Know


-Shortly after the publication of Origin of Species in 1859 a new ideology, evolution was clandestinely born into western civ.

Many scoffed and laughed at the idea. Some even thought it was a publicity stunt but its no laughing matter today. By the end of the 20th c evolution was taught as fact in most high school and college biology classes.

Within Christianity few initially saw it as a pertinent issue. However, as we now know it has snowballed into mainstream academia and although it’s a theory without any fossil evidence evolution is presumed as factual. It’s happening again.

I feel incredibly awkward about today’s topic. I do not have any aspirations to be known as the UFO guy, but as a church historian I can see that the UFO phenomenon is on the exact same trajectory as evolution. Most Christians are not prepared to intelligently address or discuss the topic from a biblical worldview. It’s my hope and prayer that today’s message will, like a missionary, broaden your understanding of this cultural phenomenon and that like the men of Issachar we’ll understand our times a little better.

1-UFOs have gone mainstream.

61% of Americans believe that there are other life forms in the galaxy – USA Today.

Tipping Point: the moment when there’s enough critical mass to produce widespread sociological changes that affect everyday life and societal beliefs.

“The search for life is no longer a fringe type of thing” – Dr. Kenneth Nealson, National Academy of Sciences Subcommittee for Solar System Exploration.

Dr. Paul Horowitz (Director of BETA, i.e. Billlion Channel Extraterrestrial Assay).

“Intelligent life in the universe? Guaranteed. Intelligent life in our galaxy? So overwhelmingly likely that I’d give you almost any odds you’d like” – Dr. Paul Horowitz (Director of BETA, i.e. Billlion Channel Extraterrestrial Assay).

Once relegated to tabloids, belief in UFOs has become more culturally acceptable.

Just 100 years ago when a confession to believing in aliens may have qualified you for the insane asylum but today it may increase your chances for a research grant or even be the thesis for a Ph.D at an ivy league school.

In spite of the lack of tangible proof, Politicians, scientists, astronauts, college profs regularly make very matter of fact statements regarding the existence of ET Life.

Belief in aliens is spreading, and rapidly so at all levels of society.

Ancient Aliens History channel is a documentary style program presents that presents theories that in ancient times aliens interacted with and influenced life on earth..The show has been widely criticized, rightfully so, by historians and other scientific circles for presenting and promoting pseudoscience/history .

Nonetheless it’s one of the history channels highest rated shows and has been on since 2010.

And so, for starters, it’s gone mainstream. Odds are high that some of your friends, co-workers, family members, and possibly even some in your bible study have grown up with the idea of ETI as simply a matter of fact. As ludicrous as this may sound, it’s become a part of our culture. A culture that you and I have been called to be light to.

2-People Really are Seeing Something

“I don't laugh at people any more when people say they’ve seen a UFO because I’ve seen one myself.” Jimmy Carter

“I think there may be substance to some of these (UFO) reports” -Gerald Ford

Phoenix Lights. March 13, 1997 thousand of people witnessed an event that’s now referred to as the Phoenix Lights. Unlike so many reports that are limited to eyewitness testimony this unusual formation of lights that was documented on video. While there are numerous theories as to what happened to date, today, the jury is still out.

The point I’m making is that people are seeing something.

Airline employees, military pilots, and even astronauts have reported seeing UFOs.

There is no doubt that people are seeing something. The Q has always been what.

The U in UFO is unidentified. Meaning its unidentified to the observer.

UFO = Unidentified

With minimal research the overwhelming vast majority of UFOs are identifiable

It’s the ones that aren’t that of course make the headlines.

-Project Blue Book

From 1947-1969 the USAF officially researched the UFO phenom. Of the 12,618 sightings reported 11,917 (94%) were solved.

It must be remembered that unidentified flying object is just that-unidentified.

Unidentified to the person observing it and/or making the report.

- A significant percentage of ufo reports occur near military testing centers i.e. area 51 indicating a strong possibility of military experiments e.g. imagine seeing an SR71 in 1964.

-there are hoaxes

-space debris

-cosmological (meteorites, etc)

-Not all but in most cases, with just minimal research, the object turns out to be normal.

-Close Encounter Wannabes are those who ascribe anything unidentified or unexplainable as ET.

It is noteworthy that the overwhelming vast majority of UFO reports are explainable. This of course is not the sensationalistic answer that sells books. Nevertheless, the vast majority can be explained.

All that being said, it is very clear that reputable people are seeing aeronautical and cosmic events that they cannot explain.

Suspiciously, many of the reports are only slightly ahead of known aeronautical technology

-UFO reports have been around for a long time. Pharaoh Thutmose III (1501-1447 BC) reported seeing a circle of fire in the sky.

-Middle Ages-flying shields and spears

-UFO reports of the 16 and 1700s are very similar to hot air balloons and zeppelins, blimps.

-There are no known pre-1965 reports of anyone being beamed aboard a spacecraft, a la Star Trek. Star Trek debuted in 1966

-Before Apollo 11, July 20,1969 aliens claimed to be from the moon or Venus, but not any more.

The point is that as society’s tech has progressed, interestingly, and suspiciously so has the appearance of UFOs over the years.

Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence

Nonetheless, the proof of ETI remains deficient and lacking.

3-The UFO Phenomenon often has paranormal characteristics.

-For starters, a significant percentage of abductees admit to having dabbled with or being involved in the occult at some point in their life. They confess to having been to a psychic, palm reader, played w tarot cards, séances, Ouija boards and/or witchcraft.

-Speaking broadly and generally, UFO abduction encounters are not wholesome and benevolent experiences. For the most part they are nightmarish events that plague the victim for years.

-One of the more famous abduction cases in ufo lore of an alleged abduction that took place in Snowflake, Arizona. In 1975 a group of loggers observed a bright light in the sky. One of the loggers, travis Walton, who indirectly is a part of the extended family of a pastor friend of mine in Scottsdale, went to get a closer look. He disappeared for 5 days and his co-workers became suspects of foul play. Walton resurfaced and described devious activity that was conducted against his will. Did you catch that…against his will. Negative side affects tend to accompany those who have abduction experiences. I had the privilege of interviewing Travis Walton in person in Snowflake, AZ in 2022 and he was very matter of fact about his encounter. When I asked him at the end if he’d done anything differently he was quick to say, “Yea, I would’ve never gotten out of the truck.” I should add that he’s a very reluctant UFO celebrity.

Whereas people tend to heal from physical injuries, psychological injuries can last a lifetime.

-Abductees have been reported to experience personality changes and disorders. In some cases the trauma is so great that a percentage of abductees commit suicide.

“Animals, especially dogs, cattle and horses, have shown noticeable agitation in the presence of UFOs. These animals have reportedly reacted before their human observers…In some cases, incessant barking and mooing occurred before, during, and after the sighting. In other cases, dogs reportedly cowered and refused to go outside at the time of a UFO event, and cattle herds stampeded.” – Dr. Hugh Ross

-Whitley Striber said, “I’m 80% convinced that (aliens) are visitors from another dimensions.”

I think he’s right.

-Remove the spacecraft from an abduction and you have the same things you’d see in a haunted house.

Entities appearing and disappearing at will.

–Passing through walls. They change their shape and form –They communicate by telepathy –They appear to have a physical form and can move physical objects.

Like the Cheshire Cat of Alice in Wonderland they seem to appear and disappear at will-their will. Generally, you can track a comet or asteroid but these things just appear and disappear when they want. Why appear at all?


On the television or movie screen, spacecraft are free to fly without any limitations except those of their creator’s imagination. But, in the real world, the laws of physics are still applicable.

-It seems UFOs disobey firmly established physical laws. Unlike physical entities, UFOs typically exhibit the following characteristics:

-They leave no physical artifacts (even after allegedly crashing)]

-They generate no sonic booms when they break the sound barrier, nor do they show any evidence of meeting with air resistance.

-They may be detected by radar but not seen or they may be seen but not detected by radar.

-They change shape, size, and color at random.

“(UFOs) behave as if they’re alive. It seemed as if they could read my mind. I don't think they’re mechanical at all. I got the distinct impression that it was alive” –John Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse

-Bookstores have rows and rows of books devoted to wicca, eastern thought, and UFOs. Btw, the the next time you’re in a barnes and noble notice where the ufo books are typically placed…religion or new age.

What’s my point…

UFOs display spiritual as well as physical characteristics

The Bible accurately and uniquely describes the spirit realm.

Eph 2:2 describes the devil as the prince of the power of the air

Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places


The Bible reveals that there are spiritual creatures referred to as angels.

Angels are intelligent spiritual beings who are not limited to all of earth’s natural laws

-They are capable of manifesting themselves physically on earth within limits.

-They can take on human forms and consume food (Gen. 18:8; 19:3)

-They have superpowers (Gen 19:11)

They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door. But the angels inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness.

-The majority of angels are loyal to God. A sizable minority rebelled against God. The angels that followed Lucifer into rebellion are now referred to as evil spirits or demons (cf. Mt. 25:41, Lk. 10:18, 2 Pet. 2:4, Jude 6, Rev. 20:2)

-Holy angels testify about Jesus and do not seek to dazzle or impress humans.

-As seen in the bible, the fallen angels seek to deceive, torment and destroy humanity. Jesus said that “the thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy” (Jn. 10:10).

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (Mt. 24:24)

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie. (2 Thess. 2:9)

And it (The False Prophet) performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. (Rev. 13:13)

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled” – Mark Twain.

If the False Prophet of Rev 13 can cause fire to come down from heaven for the purpose of

“deceiving those who dwell on the earth” Rev 13:13-14 in my opinion, it shouldn't be a problem for the forces of darkness to cause something to appear as a spacecraft or entity from another world.

Point being that the forces of darkness have the ability to perform great feats of wonder-this, imo, this includes the ability to appear as a being from another world.

It’s noteworthy that ETs have a track record of being malevolent and insidious.

-Thus, it is not an alien invasion from another planet. Rather it's a spiritual invasion from another dimension. Here’s why…

4-They have the same message as other False Prophets

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse! 9As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God's curse! (Gal 1:8-9 NIV)

Regardless of how impressive they may be, Paul warned the church in Galatia to beware of false teachings contrary to the gospel. (Gal 1:8)

ETs FAIL THE JESUS TEST “they deny Jesus”

Although there have been numerous reports of sightings and contacts with aliens, so far not one has acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God. If you know of any please lmk. Rather, they almost always espouse generic new age type beliefs.

-They proclaim a different gospel, which isn’t a gospel at all. Generally, if you follow the UFO trail far enough it leads to the occult. The religious beliefs of aliens is a version of eastern mysticism or new age. New age, which is actually very old; So old that it goes back to the garden of Eden with the temptations of secret knowledge and that you can be a god too.

They’re False Prophets with a false message and false hope

-They seek to deceive their human contacts w a misinformation campaign. They try to portray themselves as advanced humanoids from a distant planet traveling to earth in metallic crafts. Less obvious is their attempt to steer their witnesses toward a changed philosophy of life and away from Christianity.

Cosmic Evolution: Those who believe there is life in outer space usually (not always) base that belief on the following reasoning: Life evolved on earth. Because the universe is so immense life probably evolved on other planets as well.

-However, because this belief, cosmic evolution, falsely presumes that life evolved on earth, this reasoning is flawed from the start.

Gen 1:1 clearly tells us that God created the heavens and the earth.

Hopefully this is not a news flash, but evolution is an unproven theory.

Darwin at least had an excuse. In his day, fossil finds were exceptionally scarce. His technology was slightly below the standards of a department store microscope. Not so today. Today there’s an abundance of fossils. Still there is no overwhelming and convincing evidence of species transitioning into another. In fact, the evidence we do have points to intelligent design.

Fermi Paradox-if the universe is teeming with life where is everyone?

The Fermi paradox, named after Dr. Enrico Fermi, is an idiom to express the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, such as in the Drake equation, and the lack of evidence for such civilizations. Point being, if the universe is teeming with life why is life so hard to find?

Apparently, our solar system in the “freakish” one. The more we learn about the universe the more we learn how special earth is.

Consider the Following:

-Earth’s Distance from the Sun. Much further from the sun and we'd freeze. A little closer and we'd roast.

-Tilt on the axis provides just the right inclination to prevent global temp extremes and provides seasons.

-Rotation is at the right speed. If it were slightly faster we'd regularly have hurricane like wind speeds.

-Moon is just the right size. If it were much larger there would be massive tidal flooding. If it were much smaller our oceans would stagnate.

-Our moon is just the perfect size for a perfect solar eclipse.

-Ozone layer. Without it the sun’s radiation would be deadly.

-O2 just right. Much richer =flammable. Much lower and we’d suffocate.

-Jupiter. Our solar system has a planet of the right size and distance that serves as an asteroid sweeper.

-Safe Zone. In addition to being in the safe part of the milky way we’re also safely located to be away from the nexus of the galaxy in which the radiation would easily overwhelm our ozone layer.

Everything has been thought through for us. Who could do that? God.

Like evolution, cosmic evolution is fueled by those who lack the evidence for their theories.

All of this to say is that in many cases there is a spiritual dimension within the UFO phenomenon, which is obviously not of the Holy Spirit.


On a purely personal note, to me, it would make sense that if an ET civilization would go through the trouble of traversing light years of time and space to reach earth and then make contact, they would provide us with something more than New Age propaganda. I can already get that up in Sedona. “So you travelled all the way from Alpha Centauri to conduct random colonoscopies?” If they were ethical beings, surely they would provide us with something beneficial such as tech for renewable energy, a cure for aids, a cure for the common head cold, …something of worth. But nothing, no cures, no medical breakthroughs, not even an autographed space map.

But no nothing. Just some new age propaganda, cattle mutilations, and unwanted physicals. Thanks a lot…for nothing.

5. The UFO Phenom reflects the spiritual hunger of today’s culture

We witnessed a glimmer of this perspective in 1996 with the premature and erroneous announcement that evidence for life on Mars had been found in a meteorite known as ALH84001 when Bill Clinton said,

“Today, rock 84001 speaks to us across all those billions of years and millions of miles. It speaks of the possibility of life. If this discovery is confirmed, (it wasn't) it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. It’s implications are far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined.” – Bill Clinton

This explains why some UFOlogists are so quick to ascribe any unexplainable phenomenon as ETI. It reflects their hope and desperation for something more meaningful in life.

People who visit psychics, mediums, etc. are often desperate. They’re often at the end of their rope. Filled with anxiety. Looking for comfort. Direction.

“They are like clouds without rain” – Jude

These people are not flakes -- far from it. Many graduated from good colleges, have hi IQs and successful careers. They have big questions. They wonder why we're here. What was the point? They falsely believe that aliens can fill this need for a purpose in life. This is why we need to maintain a soft heart towards them. We too were once searching.

Ultimately, they’re looking for a Cosmic Savior.

They hope that some advanced alien civilization will solve the world’s problems and provide meaning to life. However, this is deceptive and misleading.

God shaped vacuum. Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician introduced the concept that we're created with a God shaped vacuum. Like fitting a square peg into a round hole, the same is the case in ETs providing fulfillment. It's a fulfillment that only Jesus can fill.

The prevalence of the UFO phenom is an indicator of humanity’s spiritual hunger. It's a direct reflection of a society that’s looking for purpose in life.

However, the presupposition that the discovery of ETI would fill this vacuum is erroneous.

Only God can provide a solution to the root of earth’s problem-sin.

Only Jesus is qualified to offer forgiveness and everlasting life.

Humanity on planet earth needs forgiveness. Jesus is the only solution to this.

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our LORD and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. Ps 147:4-5

Jesus is the way the truth and the life

Jesus is the Great Shepherd. He will guide you to a purposeful and meaningful life.


-The burden of proof for ETI remains w its proponents

-If they do exist God is their creator too. Gen. 1:1

-Regardless of if they exist or not, humanity here on earth is in need of redemption that’s only available through Jesus.

The bible isn’t an encyclopedia. It was never designed to provide exhaustive info on every topic. Could there be life out there? Could be. Regardless only Jesus can redeem humanity.

For a much deeper discussion of this topic get the book: “UFOs: 12 Things Everyone Should Know.”