
Summary: A lady that is known for bad behavior and bad moods came into her work place happy one day and greeted everyone with a smile and a big hello!

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After she walked away one of the fellows said, “What happened to her!”

In other words she was not acting her normal self and it made this man to wonder what got her in a good mood.

Illus: Makes me think of two women are shopping and talking about their husbands.

• One says, "My husband said he was getting impatient with my mood swings, so he bought me a mood ring the other day to monitor my moods."

• "How'd that work out?" asked the second woman.

• "Well," said the first, "When I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big red mark on his forehead.”

• “Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond that will leave a smile on my face."

When things are going great none of us have a hard time being nice.

It is when things are not going great for us that we have a difficult time being nice.

But there are some people that have learned to be in a good mood seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day in all circumstances.

The apostle Paul was this way. Circumstances did not control his behavior.

Look at Philippians 4:12-13 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Paul discovered through Christ in all circumstances riches or poverty He has learn to do all things through Christ.

For example, when the apostle Paul wrote this passage of scripture in Philippians he is in jail.

• You do not find too many people rejoicing in a jail cell.

• Notice he is writing to those who are not in jail.

After talking to them about a number of things he says, “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord…”

To be effective as a Christian we need to learn to REJOICE IN THE LORD IN ALL SITUATIONS!


Because our Christian testimony for Christ can be best seen in the hard times not during the good times.

The book of Philippians is helpful to us as Christians because it reveals two things:

1) How we can be REJOICEFUL during the bad times.

2) How we should be ANGRY about some things.

First, let us look at some things that should…


Paul had many good friends that he depended on in his ministry.

Friends such as Mark, Luke, Timothy and a friend called Demas.

• Demas was with Paul also in Rome (Colossians 4:14).

• Demas was with Paul during Paul’s second imprisonment in Rome, at least for a while.

Then something happened. Demas forsook Paul, abandoned the ministry, and left town.

Paul tells us that he not only left him in the lurch, but he also tells us why he abandoned him.

Look at 2 Timothy 4:10 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world...”

The Greek verb used in the original implies that Demas had not merely left Paul but had “abandoned Paul in a time of need.”


The apostle was in prison, facing a death sentence, and that’s when Demas chose to GO AWOL!

Boy! With friends like this who needs enemies!!!

Undoubtedly, Paul was deeply let down by Demas. It’s never easy to see a friend you placed your trust and they forsook you in the midst of a hardship.

Demas left Rome because he fell in love with the world.

In other words,

• Demas chose the corrupt value system of the unsaved world over what heaven values.

• Demas decided that what Satan has to offer in this life is better than what God has to offer in the next.

Friends like Demas we call “SUNSHINE” friends.

We all have SUNSHINE friends in our life. That is, when things are going great, they are there for us.

Illus: Dr. Odell Belger says this kind of friend remind him of the time when he was a young man, and his parents planted a large garden each year. There were people you would not see for a whole year, but when harvest time came you could almost bet your life they would be coming to visit. The strange thing about it was that when they came, they always came with a sack or a wash tub in the trunk of their cars.

But after the garden season was over you did not see them until the next garden season.

But Paul was not a Christian that dwells on the NEGATIVE he always looked for the POSITIVE.

Paul was the kind of Christian that you should look for to hang out with. They do not pull us down they lift us up!

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