
Summary: There is amazing power when the people of God turn towards him.

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2 Chronicles 7:14

Turn Towards God

There is amazing power when the people of God turn towards him.

Sunday Morning Sermon



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"Turn" The word implies a decision, a redirection. I was going north, now I’ll go south. Rather than drive toward a building, I’ll turn and drive away from it. Turn. We understand the term. But are we willing to apply it? It is my prayer this morning that we (together) will see the need to turn back towards God. To make his will supreme in our lives to let nothing come before what he desires to do, in us. If the terrain tells us that we’ve made a wrong turn it’s time to make the right one. It’s time in our marriages, in our family relationships, in our work relationships and in our relationship with God to make the right turns.

There is amazing power when the people of God turn towards him. He honors our movement towards him he blesses the desire for people to acknowledge that he is GOD that he is Lord and that he has a unique and permanent place in our lives.


I’ve heard people tell me: "I don’t know what God’s will is" When I get tempted it’s so easy to do the wrong thing. Here’s the solution TURN towards God. Not just a little bit, not just on Sunday morning, not just when the situations around you are beyond your control. Turn towards God EVERY DAY of your life. Let this movement affect your habits, your joys, your work relationships, your home relationships, let it change the attitudes that you hang on to and justify. Turning towards God is a complete movement in your life. Listen it’s one you will either reject or embrace because you can’t part way turn.

I played basketball in High School was never very good at it. I remember running down the court but I was going backwards. Coach blows the whistle. Reminds us at the top of his lungs that the fastest way to get down the court is by running forwards. TURN, FACE the direction you want to go, and RUN. The same is true in our Christian lives. Far too many Christians are trying to run backwards far too many good church people are trying to run backwards. This morning God calls us to turn and face him and run towards him. God desires that TURN in your life he has from the beginning.

Solomon finished the temple arguably the greatest day in the history of Israel. The temple, the long awaited temple, the vision of his father David, the dream of his ancestors, the temple of Israel was finally complete. Pure gold covered parts of the interior. Precious stones sparkled. The Ark of the Covenant inhabited the Holy of Holies. From the golden altar to the woven curtains the work was finished. Only the presence of God was missing. So Solomon requested it. In a passionate prayer the king of Israel requested the arrival of the King of the universe. (Advance)

2 Chronicles 6:41 (NKJV) Now therefore, Arise, O LORD God, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength. Let Your priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, And let Your saints rejoice in goodness.

Solomon prays and God responds WITH FIRE! Fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the lord filled the temple.

The presence of God filled the temple but he was far from the lives of his people. God doesn’t want to just be in this place he wants to be in your heart, he wants to impact your life. He wanted the same for them so he tells Solomon one of the neatest verses in the Bible.

Turn with me if you have your Bibles to: (Advance) 2nd Chronicles 7:14 (Read)

This verse is about turning towards God 3 specific ways(Advance)

I. From Self- Promotion --> God Promotion (Advance) (Called by my name)

From who I am to who HE is. This is living sacrifice kind of talk because it is the reasonable act of worship. This is Jesus praying (looking at the cross) drops of blood flowing. Not my will but yours be done. This is making your religion acceptable, pure and faultless by taking the time to look after those who can’t take care of themselves. This is forgiving 70 times 7 when people mistreat and hurt you. This is humility, this is understanding who we are because of the one we belong to.

a. The Christian the person after the heart of God

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By: Ralph Andrus

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