Truths About The Christ Child Series
Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message gives 4-truths to be seen in the coming of the Christ child.
The Truths about the Christ Child
John 1:1-13
* Darkness is defined as the "absence of light." In Genesis 1 we clearly see this concept. In verse 1 God created the heavens and earth and in the verse 2, darkness covered it all. God didn’t created darkness, it simply exists. Then God created light and from that point forward everything has been different. Just to be clear, the light which God created was not the light of the sun because it wasn’t until 3 days later that He created the sun. It is almost like God turned on the light switch of goodness, holiness, and purity, to give perfect light to the perfect world and universe He had in mind.
* This light shined until sin switched the divine light off in the garden. Before this, as far as I can determine, there is no mention getting weary or sleeping except for the divine surgery which produced Eve.
* At Sunday school they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he was ill, and she said, ’Johnny, what is the matter?’ Little Johnny responded, ’I have pain in my side. I think I’m going to have a wife.’
* After the sin in the garden, darkness invaded the hearts of mankind because the light of righteousness had been switched off. Starting from Genesis 4 running down the time line of the Old Testament and the New Testament throughout the history books, this truth can be followed even until today.
> We can see it in the murder of Abel.
> We can see it in the wickedness which prompted God to send the flood.
> We can see it in the pull of King David to the rooftop.
> We can see it working in Peter when he said, "I don’t know this man Jesus."
> We can see it in the life of Saul of Tarsus as he guarded the pocket books and clothes of those who stoned Stephen.
> We can see it in the lives of those religious fanatics who took control of commercial airliners with the intent of destroying life and property on 911.
> We can see it in this culture who attempts to make the sin of homosexuality and murder of unborn children the law of the land.
> We can see it in the person who, in the name of Christ, murders the abortionist.
> We can see it in the believer who chooses to promote their personal agenda rather than the gospel.
> We can see it everywhere and it is a sad sight.
The prophet Isaiah tells us this, "the people walked in darkness." This is talking about spiritual darkness. It is into this environment that we read our text. Before I was saved I saw John 1 as a bit confusing, but it is truly LOADED with truths which assist us in knowing about Him. Let’s pull out 4 simple Truths;
1) The Simple Truth – This simple truth is one which needs to be understood and accepted; once it is, it has the power to change our lives, our church, our culture and our world. In verse 1 notice the word, “WORD”. Then notice the change in verse 2-5, “word” is now changed to “He and Him.” The word, He, and Him speak of Jesus, the baby, the Lord, and God’s son. Seeing this, gives us two understandings from the 1st 5 verses;
a) He Oversees - He was there in the beginning, He was there at creation, and He is the source of light. In Genesis 1, God the Father said, “Let there be light”, I don’t know all about what and who responded to those words, but from this text it would appears that Jesus had something to do with it. He watched it, was involved in it, and is now responsible for it. You see, to oversee something carries the idea of responsibility for it. Not that it surprised Him, but when Jesus saw the darkness in the world and that the darkness was indeed the darkness of death, He accepted the responsibility for bringing light to the darkness and life to death. Darkness was and is not going to win on His watch. He was there in the beginning with God, was God, and IS God.
b) He Overcomes- Verse 5 is clear, the light of life (Jesus) came into the darkness and darkness was defeated. Isaiah 9:2 says, “The people walking in darkness” (that would be all people) “have seen a great light” (that would be Jesus); “on those living in the land of darkness” (that would be ‘on earth’), “a light has dawned” (Jesus has come to earth through the manger). He didn’t come to earth to make your life better; He came to earth to overcome the darkness of sin, to release the bondage of shame and the shackles of guilt. He came to see the captive free. This should be what celebrating Christmas is all about! Jesus came to give us the gift of Spiritual freedom. He came to offer us an answer to life. The light He offers is as real today as the star that guided the wise men. His light is available to show you the road HE has for you (which is the best way). This has been true yet, there is;