Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Faith is trust...without trust in God, we will never be His.
Isaiah 26:3-4 - 3 You will keep him in perfect
peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because
he trusts in You.4 Trust in the Lord
forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting
The world that we live in, today, says anything but peace.
A. It is a scene of anxiety and turmoil all around us.
1. More people are on medicine to calm their
fears, than any generation before us.
B. Even in the Body of Christ, it is hard to escape the
fact that many are troubled.
1. It may be the natural thing to fear what the
world is doing.......but we have been born
a. The old, natural man has been put to
1.) We now place our hope and trust
in the God of heaven......not in the
so called, “reality” of this present
Phil. 4:6-7 - 6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by
prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known to God; 7and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus.
It’s hard to follow this admonition when the bills seem to
overwhelm us.
A. Utilities....gas, electric, water, phone.
B. Mortgage payment.
C. Car payment(s).
D. Doctor bills.
E. Car repairs.
and on the list could go..........How can we stare these
things in the face and remain calm....and have peace?
1. These things are enough to totally distract
us and capture our every conscious moment.
a. And yet......God’s Word tells us to keep
this monster under control.
II Cor. 10:5 - 5Casting down arguments and every high
thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of
I guess the question that goes begging in many of our
minds is this: “How do we free ourselves from this
overwhelming avalanche of worries, cares, concerns,
problems, etc.?”
A. The answer has to be that we must look to God for
our peace......the victory over all... that seems to be
against our peace.
1. If we look for inner peace in any other place,
we will come away empty.
Another thing that we must understand is this.....There will
always be new problems, cares, and worries to take the
place of the ones that we have just overcome.
Matt. 6:34 - 34“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for
the day is its own trouble.
1. If we do not properly learn to deal with these
problems......they will kill us spiritually.
Matt. 13:22 - 22“Now he who received seed among the
thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world
and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he
becomes unfruitful.
a. I have often used this passage when
dealing with greed, covetousness, and
an overly competitive spirit.....and this
does address those problems.
1.) It also addresses the cares of this
world......WORRY AND FEAR.
Only God can really take care of the EVER RENEWING
cares of this life.
A. Going back to our text....The one whose mind
and trust is on God....will have perfect peace.
1. We all want this inner peace which passes
all understanding........but do we know how
to obtain it?
I. The blessing mentioned in Isaiah 26 comes from a right
heart.........a proper attitude.....some right thinking.
A. It very much agrees with the passage that I read
in II Corinthians.....we must keep our thoughts
captive.........Isaiah says, “Whose mind is stayed
on you (God).
1. Some are able to go through a whole day and
not really think about or communicate with
a. Are these wicked people......no......they
are people who have focused on the
wrong plane.
1.) The earthly.....the physical....the
tangible....the here-and-now.....
has captured their attention.
** Understand that for the sake of keeping up impressions,
some here would make all the right facial expressions...
would make all the right “tsk, tsks”..........but I am
convinced that some....if not many....Christians go
through day after day of not entertaining a single
thought of God.
1. Some would say......”But this could never be...we
pray every day, don’t we?”
a. That’s the point.......the cares...the tug of the
world has tugged us away from even a
modicum of a prayer life.
2. Many who do pray.......only give God the smallest
bit of their time.........sort of “salving their
a. We all know what II Thess. 5:17 says....
“Pray without ceasing.”
1.) Even though we know what this verse
says.......we still only give God little
clumps of prayer, or.......worse yet......
no prayer at all.
** Why would those who follow this course of ignoring
God, the majority of the time, expect God to be with
them.......at their beck and call?
1. Remember this......God will keep, in perfect peace,