
Summary: Humanity defines identity in what we do and as a result we define ourselves by how others affirm us or reject us.

God defines His identity by who He is. Who He is defines what He does.

God is love. Perfect love of equal love. He is good and perfect in every way. He is holy and just, right and true.

It is important we understand that God does everything out of love. His heart's desire is that no one should perish. He wants to make everything right. That all things be restored to perfect harmony and peace.

Look around us, no one can deny everything is not right in this world.

Science tells us that the earth is continually striving to equalise itself. Air currents and water currents are constantly trying to equalise temperature around the globe. Trying to make itself right, to be restored to perfect harmony.

Humanity is the same. We are searching, striving, trying to make things right. Yet we have created a world of fake news, fake reality, fake relationships, fake goodness and even fake identities.

Humanity will never succeed without Jesus, because in the depths of our heart, is the corrupted self. Self driven motives for self gratification.

Yet because God so loves He stepped down into our chaos and made a way for all who are willing, to know and experience their true identity. For a renewed humanity, and ultimately a renewed heaven and earth.

Colossians 1:19-20 For it pleased the Father that in Him (Jesus) all the fullness should dwell, ?and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

When we choose to receive Jesus as our saviour and Lord we receive His Spirit, God's presence within. We begin the daily journey of being in perfect love relationship with the Living God. Discovering our true identity in Him. Not as a result of what we do, but because of who He is.

Colossians 2:6-7 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, ?rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding ?in it with thanksgiving.

Walk in Him is not an instruction. It is a statement of the result of being rooted and built up in Him and established and abounding in the faith of Him

How are we rooted in Him?

When we receive Jesus as our saviour and Lord, at that moment in time we become rooted in His love, truth and power. Sealed with His Spirit within.

The more we know and experience the true identity of God the Father, through Jesus the Son, ?the more we can live in the reality of our true identity in Him.

Just like the growth of a tree is directly proportional to it's roots. The deeper and wider the roots, the higher and wider the branches. Everything comes from the roots. Everything comes ?from our relationship with Jesus.?

When we receive Jesus we are rooted in Him. It is the will of our Father to know and experience Him more each day.

How are we built up in Him?

Built up means super abounding, beyond measurable scale, overflowing and exceeding. ?In the continual present tense. So every day built up in Him.

Being built up in the knowledge and experience of Him is a work of the Spirit. We simply be ?willing to know and experience Him more, spend time in His presence, in His Word, allowing ?Him to go deep.

As the growth of a tree is directly related to the growth of its roots, so too are the depth of the foundations of a building directly proportional to the height of the building. The ability for the building to stand, depends upon the depth and solidity of its foundation.

The deeper and wider we allow God to establish His love, truth and power in our hearts and minds, the stronger our ability is to stand. His presence within then super abounds.

When we know and experience Him more each day we are empowered to stand in the storms ?of this life. It is the will of our Father that we stand.

How are we established in the faith in Him?

In this context, in the faith mean the truthfulness of God. Established in His truth, His faithfulness, His assurance, His character, His identity.

God in Jesus became one of us, born of Spirit in human form, so we being born in human form, can be born of Spirit and receive His identity, His kingdom, His presence.

This is the will of God. That all things be one in Christ Jesus, reconciled, renewed and restored. ?Be rooted in His love, truth and power, built up in Him, knowing and experiencing Him each and every day. Living in the reality of our true identity in Him.

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