Trial Brings Unspeakable Blessings
Contributed by Adewale B T Shittu on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The blessings from God is a covenant promise, but when a man is chosen by God for a greater blessing, then trial is a necessity. Every man in the Word of God that entered into a realm of rise and shine, expansion and explosion was tried.
Beloved, God is a giver of blessings. God is conditioned to bless His own people. He has the liberty to bless whosoever He wishes to bless and He is a distributor of divine blessings. In Genesis 1:28, the word of God declared ’And God bless them and said, be fruitful and mulitiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over every fish in the sea, over every fowl in the air and over every living thing that moves upon the surface of the earth’. Beloved, I have come to a realisation, I have come to a deeper spiritual understanding, that one of the ways to attract a greater blessing from God is when you have been tried and found worthy. Beloved, a man or a woman will attract a greater blessing after he or she has been tried by God. The essence of the trial in a greater percentage of cases is so that God will trim you, prune you like a clay in the hands of a potter and make you suitable and fit for the Master’s use and for His purpose. Usually, before God usher a man into a position of greater blessing, God himself will make a pronouncement or speak through the Holy Spirit to the individual or speak through someone to make a pronouncement which may be a form of a prophetic declaration that will usher the individual into his level of signs and wonders. This year, God will announce your promotion, He will announce your breakthrough, He will announce your testimony in the name of Jesus.
Beloved, I dont want you to see your trial or whatever you are going through as a punishment, but instead I want you to see it as a push to the next level, I want you to see it as a ladder to your promotion and I want you to view it with the eyes of the Spirit as a signpost that will give direction to your divinely ordained testimony because the outcome and the end result of that trial is that you will testify that indeed the Lord is good. I prophesy that in this year, you will surely testify in the name of Jesus. In Genesis 22:1-2, God called Abraham and told him to take his only son, the only son that he loves and take him to the land of Moriah and offer him for a burnt offering on one of the mountains that he will tell him and he did as he was told. As he journeyed along with his son, the son asked him, where is the lamb for the sacrifice and Abraham told him, God will make provision. Abraham knows the faithfullness of God and the remembrance of that faithfullness will bring the provision of the lamb needed for the sacrifice. Beloved, when God want to transfer someone into a level of unmatchable blessing, when God wants to showcase His Glory in the life of a man, He will put that man under a trial to test his love, to test his loyalty, his faithfullness and his commitment to Him. Sometimes believers think whatever trial and circumstances they are going through is caused by the enemy but beloved, I have to announce to you that God might be responsible for that trial, for that situation you are going through and He is the one who can see you through it. In verse 10-12 of Genesis 22, while Abraham stretched his hand to kill the child, the Angel of God told him not to lay his hand on the child, and he said for now I know that thou fearest the Lord( that is the test of loyalty has been passed) and has not witheld thy only son from Him. I told us earlier that after a man has passed the trial, God will announce him and push him into his place of unspeakable blessings. After the angel had spoken to Abraham in verse 10-12 of Genesis 22, God came to make that pronouncement and so in verse 16-18, God said by Myself have I sworn that, because of what you have done, because you did not withold your only son, in blessing, I will bless thee, in multiplying I will multiply thy seed, as the stars of heaven and as the sand on the seashore and your seed shall possess the gates of their enemies and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Beloved, this is the Abrahamic blessing that you are free to enjoy because you are a seed of Abraham but I am making a prophetic declaration that a new covenant of blessing that will start in your life and flow into your generation will be announced by God this year in the name of Jesus.