
To Live Is Christ And To Die Is Gain

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
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Explore and understand the profound value of living for Christ and the benefits of dying for Him and to encourage the choice to live or die for Christ.


Good morning, brothers and sisters. Today, we're going to be diving into some deep waters as we explore the Apostle Paul's profound words in Philippians 1:21. You see, Paul had this incredible perspective on life and death that was completely centered on Christ.

He said, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Now that's a perspective that can radically change how we live our lives, how we face death, and the choices we make every day!

As we dive into this topic, I'm reminded of something Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." Isn't that the truth? We are all in desperate need of God's presence in our lives. And when we truly live for Christ, we experience His presence in a profound way.

Let's pray as we open our hearts to God's Word.

Father God, we thank you for your Word, which is alive and active. As we delve into Paul's words today, we ask that you would open our eyes, ears, and hearts to understand the truth and the value of living for Christ. Help us to grasp the benefits of dying for Christ and guide our choices to live or die for Christ. We ask that your Holy Spirit would guide us in this time. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Let’s dive right in!

The Value of Living for Christ

Living for Christ is not just a religious concept or a spiritual discipline; it is a transformative lifestyle that brings immeasurable value to our lives. When the Apostle Paul said, "For to me, to live is Christ," he was expressing a profound truth that his life's purpose, meaning, and value were found in Christ alone. He was not living for his own desires, ambitions, or plans, but for Christ and His will.

Our lives are centered on Him: It means that our thoughts, words, and actions are guided by His teachings and His example. It means that we strive to love as He loved, forgive as He forgave, and serve as He served. This Christ-centered lifestyle brings a sense of purpose and direction that nothing else can provide. It gives us a clear moral compass, guiding us in making decisions that honor God and benefit others.

Brings a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction: The world offers many things that promise happiness and fulfillment, but these are often fleeting and leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. In contrast, living for Christ brings a joy that is deep, lasting, and not dependent on our circumstances. It is a joy that comes from knowing that we are loved by God, that our lives have purpose, and that we are part of God's grand plan to redeem the world.

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Brings peace: In a world filled with turmoil, conflict, and uncertainty, peace is a precious commodity. When we live for Christ, we can have peace even in the midst of life's storms because we know that He is in control, that He loves us, and that He is working all things together for our good. This peace that surpasses all understanding is one of the greatest values of living for Christ.

Impacts our relationships: When we live for Christ, we strive to love others as He loved us. This means that we seek to be kind, patient, forgiving, and selfless in our interactions with others. It means that we value others above ourselves and seek their good. This Christ-like love can transform our relationships, bringing healing, reconciliation, and unity.

Has eternal value: The things of this world are temporary and perishable, but the things of God are eternal. When we live for Christ, we are investing in eternity. We are storing up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. This eternal perspective gives value and significance to everything we do in this life.

It’s a lifestyle that is worth pursuing, no matter the cost.

The Benefits of Dying for Christ

The benefits of dying for Christ may seem like a paradoxical concept ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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