
Summary: The Bible doesn’t promise that life on earth would be pleasant for believers. Neither is it the will of God for us to just strive or survive; His plan is for us to thrive and be fruitful.


"12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. 13 The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; 14 for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him. 15 Now the Philistines had stopped up all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and they had filled them with earth.” Genesis 26:12-15.

He was in a foreign land. Isaac was different. He spoke a different language. And as he tried to settle in the land God had promised his family, Isaac faced multiple oppositions. He was forced out of his location once he became successful. And every time he worked hard to establish himself into a new place, his efforts were frustrated by the hostility of those around him. The Philistines filled the wells that his father had dug. In response, Isaac opened them up and dug more wells. Despite the hostility, he kept moving forward and digging wells, naming them after each particular dispute. Esek means strife and Sitnah means hatred. Isaac was driven from his dwelling place and settled in the Valley of Gerar. Isaac refused to stay in a contentious place; he left places hostility. Isaac chose flight! While at the Valley, Isaac dug another well and he struck fresh water. He was happy but his joy was temporary once again as the people there, out of envy disputed the ownership of the well with him. In all of the conflict, Isaac handled the struggles with faith and maturity. Finally, he dug another well that brought about no opposition. It was named "Rehoboth," signifying the hope he had that this was the place God prepared for him.

Friend, there will always be people who will resent you. Even when you're sold out to following Jesus, you aren’t guaranteed a life full of open doors. You will still experience obstacles and opposition; disappointment and loss; hostility and heartache. Do not be discouraged when or if opposition comes. Success breeds attack, even when God is the one giving you the blessings.

The Bible doesn’t promise that life on earth would be pleasant for believers. Jesus said we are like sheep among wolves. Sadly, we meet some of these wolves in our day to day activities. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16.

Sheep and wolves are not known to be friends; sheep are never safe among wolves. Wolves ravage and kill them for food. In every environment, we have two kinds of people: wolves and sheep. Being sheep in the midst of wolves means that the disciples are living in constant danger.

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over" Psalm 23:5.

Don't be afraid because somebody does not like you in your place of work or neighbourhood. God will still elevate and make you flourish and prosper. The same people in your environment, who are determined to bring you down will be the very ones in whose presence God will bless you.


Work can be rewarding, and working with people can be fulfilling. Yet, sometimes the workplaces can be unhealthy. A clear indication of a hostile workplace is an environment where people are always throwing others under the bus and get recognition for this.

Everyone needs a healthy environment where they can grow, mature, blossom, and remain fruitful. No one likes a difficult, stormy or contentious place. We often hate to be attached to a place that is hostile. We love to avoid anything and everything that is contentious. A good environment is one that nurtures the physical and emotional wellbeing of its employees and creates avenues for growth. If you’re not happy with your environment, that anger can carry over into your personal life, damaging everything from your self-esteem to your relationships.

A hostile work environment as an unwelcome or offensive behaviour in the workplace, which causes one to feel afraid or intimidated. It is a toxic workplace where one or several employees feel threatened. A hostile workplace is an environment in which abusive behaviour prevents an employee from giving their best. It makes your job boring, and drains your energy. A hostile workplace is an environment created by a boss or co-worker, whose actions, communication or behaviour make doing your work unexciting. It is any place where the work, the atmosphere, the people, or any combination of those things cause serious hardship. A toxic workplace is an environment where people are constantly gloomy and there is always tension in the air. It is an environment where people lack zeal, passion and enthusiasm for work. A hostile workplace is an environment where people are always looking forward to the next opportunity. It is a place that does not take into consideration its employees’ needs. A hostile environment can impact your health and total well-being. It can lead to burnout, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Many people are battling with threat. They are under severe pressure and don’t enjoy job's satisfaction.

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Amos Weru

commented on Feb 12, 2020

Very powerful message

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