
Summary: Three men hanging on a cross, one died IN sin, one died TO sin while one died FOR sin.

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Three Crosses

Luke 23:32-43


• Two men with the same sentence.

• Both men were criminals, justly condemned to die.

• Jesus, the savior, between them.

• So close to salvation.

• One died IN sin.

• One died TO sin.

• While Jesus died FOR sin.

• How do you think the believing thief felt?

• Do you think he was happy?

• even as he endured the torture of the cross?

• Wouldn’t it be nice to have the same assurance as the thief on the cross?

• to know that at our death we will be with Christ in Heaven.

• We can have that assurance.

• Jesus has made you that promise just like the one he made to the

thief on the cross.

XIV. All have sinned and deserve death.

A. Romans 3:23

B. Romans 6:23

C. We can have eternal life, IN Christ

XV. Sin is the problem

A. Only those whose sins are forgiven will inherit eternal life

B. Sin keeps us from eternal life. Galatians 5:19-21

XVI. If we are all guilty of sin, then where is our hope?

A. Christ died so that you could choose to be forgiven.

1. You will make a choice today

2. Those who chose not to obey Christ are choosing to disobey Him and remain in sin.

3. Those who chose to obey Christ, chose eternal life

a. Romans 8:1,2 - no condemnation in Christ

b. In Christ . . . In Christ? Do you see a recurring theme?

c. Salvation is for those IN Christ.

4. How does one get IN Christ?

a. Romans 6:1-14

b. vs. 3 - baptized into Christ

B. The price for our sins has already been paid!

1. Romans 3:21-25

2. Only by God’s grace through faith in his Son are we redeemed/forgiven of sins.

3. Righteousness is through faith in Jesus Christ. vs. 22

XVII. You may ask “If it is through faith we are justified then what role does baptism play?”

A. James 2:14-24 A person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.

B. James say’s even demons believe and tremble

1. James shows us that simply believing in God and his Son is not enough.

2. God calls us to an obedient faith

3. You believe in God and his son enough to do their will. THEIR WILL, Not Man’s

XVIII. Jesus tells us of the importance of submission to his will

A. Mark 16:15,16 - Believes(Faith), and is Baptized(obedience) will be saved. Does not believe(No obedience) will be condemned.

B. Even demon’s believe in God. Will they too be saved by their faith?

C. 1 Peter 3:18-21- water of the flood symbolizes baptism that now saves you.

XIX. Baptism is an essential part of Salvation

A. Only through Christ is there forgiveness of sins

B. The thief on the cross had his sins forgiven at the spoken word of Christ

1. as did many others during his ministry

a. The paralytic man

b. Zacchaeus

c. Adulterous woman the Pharisee’s wanted stoned

C. Forgiveness of sins is now only available in Baptism

D. A symbol of Christ’s Death, burial and resurrection

E. As necessary as repentance

F. As necessary as a believing faith

G. The people who heard the 1st gospel sermon proclaimed on the day of Pentecost were told about Jesus and why he died. Acts 2:22-24 & vs. 36

1. They asked “What shall we do” Acts 2:37

2. vs. 38 - Peter answered “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, FOR the forgiveness of your sins.”


XX. God’s plan for saving man is simple.

A. We have seen that by God’s grace Christ died for you - making available forgiveness of sins if you truly believe on him

B. Jesus says you Must repent of your sins - Luke 13:3

C. Jesus says you Must confess him before others - Matthew 10:32

D. Jesus says we must be baptized - Mark 16:16

XXI. These Three Crosses represent the Choice Man must make today.

A. Jesus died for you

B. Those who are obedient to him have their sins washed away in baptism as a result of their faith in Christ

C. Those who don’t obey him die in their sins and will suffer eternity in Hell.


XXII. Have you made the choice to be IN Christ?

XXIII. What if the Lord were to come right now ...?

A. Would you know for sure, without a doubt that you would go home with him to live forever?

B. If not then you need to make the necessary changes in your life, TODAY!

1. Come in an obedient faith

2. Repenting of your sins

3. Confess Christ before men and

4. Be baptized INTO Christ for the forgiveness of your sins

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