This Kind
Contributed by Larry Grant on Aug 21, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Most believers have experienced spiritual highs and spiritual lows. There are times where you sense God’s presence in a strong and unforgettable way and then there are those times where you wonder where God’s presence is.
Mark 9:14-29
This Kind
August 20, 2023
Most believers have experienced spiritual highs and spiritual lows. There are times where you sense God’s presence in a strong and unforgettable way and then there are those times where you wonder where God’s presence is. If you have done much ministering in the name of Jesus you may have encountered times where God’s power seems to flow through with ease and then you had times where there seemed to be no power or authority at all.
This is what happened to some of the disciples. The disciples had experienced the Lord’s authority flowing through them with casting out many evil spirits, but one day something seemed to change. A man brings his demon possessed son to the disciples and they could not do anything about it. Then Jesus shows up, delivers the boy and then gives the disciples a lesson about why they couldn’t handle this particular demon. This kind of demon was more powerful than others. This kind required prayer and fasting to be cast out.
The Contrast “The next day” - Detailed in Luke 9:37 that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill (The Hill of Transfiguration where they heard the voice of God say this is my beloved Son: hear Him), many people met him. The contrasts between the two events are striking. The transfiguration happened on a mountain; this happened in the valley below. In the transfiguration, there was glory; here there was suffering. In the transfiguration God dominated the scene; here Satan did. In the transfiguration, the heavenly Father was pleased; in this incident, an earthly father was tormented. In the transfiguration there was a perfect Son; here there was a perverted son. At the transfiguration, fallen men were in holy wonder; in this story, there was a fallen son in unholy horror. (MacArthur, John. MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Mark)
The spiritual high is over and the service among sinners takes over. Is that not how it is in life? You have this incredible alone time with God in prayer and His Word then five minutes later the kids are fighting over some toy, the spouse is complaining about something, or the boss is blaming you for something that went wrong. You go to church on Sunday and worship God and hear His Word, you get pumped up for the week and before you get home your family is already at each other’s throats. From the mountain top to the valley. From encountering a perfect and holy God to encountering broken and hurting world. What a contrast!
The Call “Bring him to me.” - In verse 22 we are told they would happen “often.” Think about this in your context for a moment. It could happen at church, at school, while shopping, while playing in his room, or when he is with other kids or it could happen while he is with baby sitters.
The Gospels make a definite distinction between demon possession and physical illness. In this particular case there seems to be a blurring of this distinction. They realized they could not cure him and they left him like he was. In Matthews account the father calls the son a Lunatic – (Archaic) Intermittent mental derangement associated with the changing phases of the moon. Jesus said they were Faithless – Unbelieving and Perverse – (Matthew 17) To cause to turn away from what is right or good. We are perverse when they come to us for help and we leave them just like we found them. If we can’t help them then and there we ought to, at the very least, introduce them to Jesus. Perhaps they thought that they cured him and the problem came back.
It is evident from this passage that whatever demon was in him had such an influence on this mans life that not only did Jesus cast it out, He charged it not to come back!
1. This kind is long term (Jesus asks how long? Since Childhood)
2. This kind can come back (Jesus commanded it not to come back)
3. This kind will kill you (throw him into the fire or water to destroy him)
4. This kind requires faith (if you can do anything? Help my unbelief)
Have you ever quit drinking but later that same week found another drink in your hand?
Have you ever clamed a victory over nicotine and found a hidden box at end of day?
Have you ever promised your spouse that you would be home soon, but found yourself waking up by the sunlight of a new day far away from home?
Do you have a demon that keeps coming back? The Disciples did.
Jesus said to the father “If you can believe, All things are possible to him who believes.” With tears the father says, “I believe; help my unbelief!”