
Summary: God hates certain things and He Loves Certain things

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7 Things God Hates & Things God Loves

Book of Proverbs

Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:

1. Haughty eyes,

2. a lying tongue,

3. hands that shed innocent blood,

4. a heart that devises wicked schemes,

5. feet that are quick to rush into evil,

6. a false witness who pours out lies

7. a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

The Book of Proverbs is a gold mine for those who desire to live life to its fullest in the will of God.

Proverbs has been studied, memorized, quoted, and applied to life for thousands of years and yet its wisdom has never become outdated, its principles have never failed, and its power for shaping the lives of young and old alike has never been diminished.

The Book of Proverbs is attributed to King Solomon, the son of Israel’s greatest King, King David.

? Solomon was the tenth son of David and the second son born to Bathsheba.

? He became the third King of Israel following his father, David, and he reigned as King of Israel for about 40 years, between the years 965-922 B.C. In

1 Kings 4 we read about Solomon’s wisdom and the source of the wisdom Solomon possessed.

(1 Kings 4:29-34 NIV)

Solomon was one wise dude.

? God had blessed him with an incredible mind.

? Solomon was wise beyond anyone who has ever lived.

? He spoke 3,000 proverbs and wrote over 1,000 songs.

? He could speak with authority and confidence about topics like botany, biology, zoology, herpetology, ornithology, and ichthyology, but the greatest wisdom Solomon shared was wisdom pertaining to living life.

? Men came from nations far and wide to simply sit and listen to Solomon speak.

? The Lord Loved him so much

Proverbs are general principles and patterns, not promises or guarantees.

A “proverb” is “a short, pregnant sentence or phrase whose meaning is applicable in many situations, with imagery or striking verbal form to assist the memory.”

? We in the church have failed to remind this generation that while God is love, He also has the capacity to hate.

? He hates sin, and He will judge it with the fierceness of His wrath.

? This generation is schooled in the teaching about an indulgent, soft-hearted God whose judgments are uncertain and who coddles those who break His commandments.

? This generation finds it difficult to believe that God hates sin.

? I tell you that God hates sin just as a father hates a rattlesnake that threatens the safety and life of his child.

? God loathes evil and diabolic forces that would pull people down to a godless eternity just as a mother hates a venomous spider that is found playing on the soft, warm flesh of her little baby.

? God is a tender, compassionate God who is rich in mercy and grace, but He is also a God of justice—One who hates and abhors sin in every form.

? Preachers often seem to fail in reminding people that while our God is essentially a God of love, He also has the capacity to hate.

A coin has two sides as there is light and darkness, or good and evil.

There is love as there is hatred. God both loves and hates

What you have to decide then is whether or not you will love what is right while hate what is evil. In addition, it’s always a good idea to know the 7 things God hates.

The passage clearly declares that God hats 7 things

This is not a complete list of things that are an abomination to God.

Other Things God Hates

Aside from the seven things God hates, the Scripture also outlines what God abhors (Exodus 20:1-17). Here are other things God hates:

• Bowing to any deity other than Him

• Worshipping any graven image or concept instead of God

• Taking His name in vain.

• Forgetting the Sabbath Day

• Disrespecting your parents

• Murder

• Adultery

• Thievery

• Lying to defame another’s a good name

What does God hate, you ask? Solomon answers the question in the Book of Proverbs

The word “abomination” appears 174 times in the Bible.

In Proverbs 6 we are given a list of seven “specials”—seven things that are extremely disgusting in the eyes of God.

? It is important for every Christian to take a serious look at those things which are disgusting to God.

1. God Hates a Proud Look/ The Lord hates Haughty Eyes

? Pride is basically an exaggerated sense of self-esteem.

? Pride is putting ourselves on a pedestal above others.

? Pride is an arrogant, almost boastful, inflated opinion of one’s own worth and ability. Pride takes many different forms:

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