There Is Only Him! Series
Contributed by Michael Demastus on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 1st sermon in the 10 Commandments series.
Ten Commandments Series #1:
There is only Him
Exodus 20:1-3
*Illustration- Ted Turner, never shy about making his thoughts public,
has proposed that we do away with the ten commandments. On second
thought, that isn’t quite right. He actually suggested a rewrite. Setting
aside the old, traditional commands about adultery and greed, the media
mogul from Atlanta proposes new priorities such as: "I love and respect
the planet earth and all living things thereon, especially my fellow
species, mankind"; or "I promise to have no more than two children, or no
more than my nation suggests"; and "I reject the use of force,
particularly military force." Larry King reported his suggestions and
said, "Ted Turner’s new ten commandments make a lot more sense than the
old ones."
*I think a lot of people would like to rewrite the ten commandments. I
find it amusing how such an ancient list known as the decalogue can be so
utterly relevant in 1999 America.
*Illustration- I find amazing the way my children react take them away
from home. We can go to a park, or go out to eat. It doesn’t matter,
their reaction is still the same. They have fun wherever they are as long
as one of us is with them. And if a choice has to be made - Mommy is
always best.
*The children of God, the Israelites reacted quite differently to God’s
leading. He was with them and had delivered them from horrific bondage,
yet when God led them out of danger into a far-away strange land they
responded to God through Moses by saying, "Get us back to Egypt." It was
in the midst of this attitude that God originally delivered the ten
I. God takes no place but first place.
*This is the key to building a life of character. Put God first in your
life. Most people would either be puzzled at our starting point or
disagree whole-heartedly like Ted Turner. The world’s prevailing attitude
about character is that it has to do strictly with how a person handles
his relationships with others.
*Illustration- A few years ago some university professors gave out
copies of the ten commandments to their students and asked them to
arrange them in order of importance. Ninety percent of the students
reversed the order, putting the commandments about how we are to treat
our fellow man first and the commandments about how we are to relate to
God last.
*Listen to the order Jesus put it in: One of the teachers of the law
came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good
answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most
important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: ’Hear, O
Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all
your strength.’ The second is this: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’
There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:28-31, NIV)
*The Jews understood the fact that the first four principles - those
dealing with our relationship with God - provide the theological basis
for living a life of character. In other words, they provide the WHY for
our living lives that so dramatically go against the current of our
society. This reversal of priorities is further evidence of Satan’s
success in convincing us that we can be the moral centers in our
universe, and unbelievers are by no means the only people to fall prey to
his deception.
*Illustration- Look for example, at the way we in the church have taught
sexual morality. We have tried to convince people to abstain from sexual
activity before marriage, which is certainly part of God’s plan; but what
reasons do we give people for obeying? The reasons I heard growing up
were: (1) You may lose your reputation, (2) you might get a disease, and
(3) you might get a girl pregnant. Well, certainly all three problems can
be consequences of sexual activity outside of marriage, but notice
something very important. In all three reasons for abstaining, God is
nowhere to be found! Those arguments support the same case for purity
that anyone in the world could make. So I guess it shouldn’t surprise us
that young people growing up in Christian homes hearing these motives for
living lives of character aren’t keeping themselves any purer than the
children of the world. We need to show our youth why God needs to be the
center and circumference in their lives.
*Did you notice that the first instruction does not start, "You shall
believe in a god"? That is not necessary. We’ve spent a number of
centuries trying to hide this fact, but man has a built-in need for God.