Summary: This is the 1st sermon in the 10 Commandments series.

Ten Commandments Series #1:

There is only Him

Exodus 20:1-3


*Illustration- Ted Turner, never shy about making his thoughts public,

has proposed that we do away with the ten commandments. On second

thought, that isn’t quite right. He actually suggested a rewrite. Setting

aside the old, traditional commands about adultery and greed, the media

mogul from Atlanta proposes new priorities such as: "I love and respect

the planet earth and all living things thereon, especially my fellow

species, mankind"; or "I promise to have no more than two children, or no

more than my nation suggests"; and "I reject the use of force,

particularly military force." Larry King reported his suggestions and

said, "Ted Turner’s new ten commandments make a lot more sense than the

old ones."

*I think a lot of people would like to rewrite the ten commandments. I

find it amusing how such an ancient list known as the decalogue can be so

utterly relevant in 1999 America.

*Illustration- I find amazing the way my children react take them away

from home. We can go to a park, or go out to eat. It doesn’t matter,

their reaction is still the same. They have fun wherever they are as long

as one of us is with them. And if a choice has to be made - Mommy is

always best.

*The children of God, the Israelites reacted quite differently to God’s

leading. He was with them and had delivered them from horrific bondage,

yet when God led them out of danger into a far-away strange land they

responded to God through Moses by saying, "Get us back to Egypt." It was

in the midst of this attitude that God originally delivered the ten



I. God takes no place but first place.

*This is the key to building a life of character. Put God first in your

life. Most people would either be puzzled at our starting point or

disagree whole-heartedly like Ted Turner. The world’s prevailing attitude

about character is that it has to do strictly with how a person handles

his relationships with others.

*Illustration- A few years ago some university professors gave out

copies of the ten commandments to their students and asked them to

arrange them in order of importance. Ninety percent of the students

reversed the order, putting the commandments about how we are to treat

our fellow man first and the commandments about how we are to relate to

God last.

*Listen to the order Jesus put it in: One of the teachers of the law

came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good

answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most

important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: ’Hear, O

Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with

all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all

your strength.’ The second is this: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’

There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:28-31, NIV)

*The Jews understood the fact that the first four principles - those

dealing with our relationship with God - provide the theological basis

for living a life of character. In other words, they provide the WHY for

our living lives that so dramatically go against the current of our

society. This reversal of priorities is further evidence of Satan’s

success in convincing us that we can be the moral centers in our

universe, and unbelievers are by no means the only people to fall prey to

his deception.

*Illustration- Look for example, at the way we in the church have taught

sexual morality. We have tried to convince people to abstain from sexual

activity before marriage, which is certainly part of God’s plan; but what

reasons do we give people for obeying? The reasons I heard growing up

were: (1) You may lose your reputation, (2) you might get a disease, and

(3) you might get a girl pregnant. Well, certainly all three problems can

be consequences of sexual activity outside of marriage, but notice

something very important. In all three reasons for abstaining, God is

nowhere to be found! Those arguments support the same case for purity

that anyone in the world could make. So I guess it shouldn’t surprise us

that young people growing up in Christian homes hearing these motives for

living lives of character aren’t keeping themselves any purer than the

children of the world. We need to show our youth why God needs to be the

center and circumference in their lives.

*Did you notice that the first instruction does not start, "You shall

believe in a god"? That is not necessary. We’ve spent a number of

centuries trying to hide this fact, but man has a built-in need for God.

Foxholes and hospital rooms have been revealing that need for centuries.

In fact, not only does every person have a need for God, but every person

has a god, as well. That statement may surprise you but its true. A god

is whatever has first place in your life. In every person’s heart, there

is a throne; and on every throne, there is a god. The only question then

is whether that god is true or false. The God of the Bible declares that

he will not accept any place in your life accept first place. The claim

made: You will have no other gods before me; affirms God’s rightful claim

to be our only legitimate foundation. In fact, without this fundamental

declaration of his sovereign right to be the only one on our heart’s

throne, all the rest of the instructions make no difference. Until we

commit to this first principle of God taking no place but first place in

our lives, it makes no difference to us what God says about stealing or

adultery, because we haven’t given him his right to legislate those areas

of our lives. Without this commitment to this very first commandment, the

great lie of the garden is still perpetuated.

II. The gods who would be king.

*Just as all character is a result of putting the true God on the throne

of our hearts, all sins are a result of putting other gods on that

throne. Yahweh has as much competition for our hearts today as ever


*We may not worship Mars (the god of war) today. But how much do we put

our trust and our security in making certain that the United States

military complex can outgun any other country in the world?

*Driving around Des Moines I have not seen a single temple yet where

people can worship the sex goddess Aphrodite, but I can assure you, a

great many people here do worship sex. The porn business is alive and

well in Des Moines.

*God’s instruction to the Israelites to have "no other gods before me"

was truly revolutionary in that time (and still is today), for God is not

saying that other gods should rank behind him in importance. He is not

calling for the Israelites to worship him as the dominant god, but as the

only one. In fact God said in Exodus 34:14 "Do not worship any other god,

for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." (NIV)

*It used to confuse me that God would say he was jealous, because we’ve

given that word a negative connotation. But now as a husband, I

understand that sometimes jealousy is not a flaw, but a moral excellence.

I have a holy jealousy toward my wife, Shannon. We have made a covenant

with each other - we made a solemn agreement before God - to share our

lives and love with each other, and I’m jealous with that covenant

because it is destroyed if it is shared with any other. I want Shannon’s

sole affection, or the covenant is broken.

*Illustration- Have you ever been on tour of a castle? When the guide

takes you to the throne room and points out the throne, there is one

thing I can guarantee: it will be a seat for one. There’s just no such

thing as a throne "pew." Thrones come in all sizes, shapes, and styles

but one thing they all have in common is that they are made for a lone

occupant. The first step toward building a life of character is deciding

that Yahweh God will be the lone occupant on the throne of your heart.

III. The God who should be king.

*When God began addressing the children of Israel at Mt. Sinai, God

began with a revelation about himself. Beginning to know Yahweh is

crucial to our quest for character, for he is the definition of

character. So, before he tells us what he wants, God tells us who he is.

A. He is an unchanging God.

*He begins by saying, "I am the LORD." (Exodus 20:2). That word, "LORD"

might be in all capitals in your Bible. It is actually in Hebrew the

personal name for God, Yahweh. We first find this name in Exodus 3 when

Moses stood before a burning bush. There, God told Moses to tell the

people that God’s name - His personal covenant name - is "I Am." That is

what the word literally means. Another way of translating the word is, "I

am who I am," or "I will be that I will be." This strange name is

indicative of God’s unchanging character. His own name means that God is

absolutely faithful. It is God’s unchanging character which gives

relevance to these ten commandments.

*If God were changeable then his values might be changeable as well.

That’s why human laws are always changing. Some years ago for example,

the U.S. Supreme Court wrote the legal definition of "obscenity." The

court basically said that something is obscene if it is considered so by

the local community. The court wrote this definition hoping it would

stand the test of time, but do you know what is wrong with this

definition? It makes the definition contingent upon the values of

changeable people. Thus we are being exposed to literature, movies, and

artwork today that ten years ago would have been considered obscene, but

which our communities no longer find shocking. What has changed - the

content of the material, or the people who are the materials’ judges?

*In the same way, someone may say, "I know God said a long time ago not

to commit adultery, but these are different times." Yes, times have

changed, but God has not. God is who he is. He’s always been who he is,

and he’s always going to be who he is. Stealing will always be wrong.

Lying will always be wrong. Harming your neighbor will always be wrong

because I AM is still I AM. He will never be he was. God’s character is

something you can rely on. He is an unchanging God.

B. He is a personal God.

*Look at verse two again. It says, "I am the LORD your God." An

interesting note about that word your in the phrase "your God" is that it

is actually singular rather than plural. In other words, instead of

saying "I’m the national God of Israel," God is saying "I am the personal

God of each Israelite. I’m the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, The God

of Aaron, the God of Joshua, the God of Miriam."

*The phrase "your God" implies that this eternal I AM knows you and me,

and even more incredibly perhaps, wants to be known by you and me. He

wants a relationship with us so much, in fact that, rather than waiting

for us to initiate it, he takes the first step. God always approaches us

before we approach him. He is a personal God.

C. He is a delivering God.

*Just as God wants to be God of each person, he wants also to be God of

a people, and he reminds the Israelites that he is the God who "brought

you out of Egypt." Only three months before, they had been a people of

bondage in Egypt. There they had been exposed to many gods. Now they were

on the threshold of a new land - Canaan - where they would be enticed by

as many imposter gods as ever. And God is calling the Israelites to take

a stand; he’s saying that it is time for them to commit their allegiance

to him. After all he is the one who delivered them from those imposter

Egyptian gods.

*He calls for this same allegiance today from you and I based on the

same three reasons:

1. Because of who he is (an unchanging God)

2. Because of where he is (close to us as a personal God)

3. Because of what he did (he is a delivering God).

*God gives us these commandments to direct us and guide us in life. He

wants us to have a fixed point of reference, so that we will know where

we are headed.

*Illustration- I have been to London, England five times. It is a

beautiful city. There is a place there, not terribly far from Buckingham

Palace called Charing Cross. It is a decorative cross in almost the

geographical center of the city. People will give directions from that

point. If someone is lost and asks directions a person will ask, "Do you

know the cross?"

*The same is for you and I today. The cross will lead us home. God have

us the ten commandments to guide us - to lead us. They point us to the

cross and if we find the cross, then we can make it home!