There Is Nothing Impossible For God.
Contributed by Jacob Kutty on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon which explains how God can help us in problems which are impossible for us.
There is nothing impossible for God.
2 King 4:1-7
We all are familiar with this chapter. In this chapter we can see two women. One poor widow, another Rich women. Both are in a problems, which cannot be solved by themselves and the Prophet Elisha solved their respective problems. This is the content of this chapter. We all have one or other problems in our life. Problems which cannot be solved by ourselves. In this world, there are so many people, who have problems which cannot be solved by themselves. But these womens are so lucky that, they have one prophet, to whom they can approach, and the prophet solved their problems. Let us praise God because, here, one prophet is present, Jesus who is greater than Elisha, who can solve our problems. Yes, Jesus is present here to solve our problem.
Let us look at the Rich women. You know how she come in contact with the Prophet Elisha. Her son died. See what she did. She never informed the same to her husband. She never wept with sorrow on the loss of her son. She did not inform the same to her servants. She just kept here son in the room, which was made for the prophet Elisha. Shut the door and went to the prophet. She never informed the case to anyone. When Elisha saw her in the distance, the man of God said to his servant Gehazi, “Look there’s the Shunammite! Run to meet her and ask her Are you all right? Is your husband all right? Is your child all right?. All these questions were asked by Gehazi. Everything is all right. she said. She never said that her son has passed away. She said Everything is alright. Yes, with the faith she is saying her son is alright. Because she knows that, she has come to a prophet, who can make her son well. She is uttering the words of her faith. Even though we have problems, when we come in the presence of Jesus, we must say, everything is all right. Words of faith.
To whom are we going with our problems, which cannot be solved by ourselves. When we go to Jesus, with our problems, first we should understand to whom we are going and then, we should pronounce the words of faith. I am all right. Even if you are not feeling well, say I am all right. Tell the person next to you, I am all right.
Let us look at the other women. She is a widow now. She was dreaming a better future in her youth. When she got married with a Young disciple of Elisha, the great prophet, she thought her dreams come true. She thought, one day her husband will become a great prophet like Elisha. She may be dreaming for a better future. But suddenly the situation got changed. Her husband passed away. Now she put her hope on her children. She thought that her children will grow up and will become a good prophet, or they will excel in their carrier. But when the banker came with his men to catch her two sons, all her hope and expectations came to an end. Like a small glass dish, which fell down and broken, her dreams and hope were broken to pieces. If you are in the state of this women, please come to Jesus with that broken pieces of your hope/dream. Yes Jesus will rebuild your pieces in to a new beautiful vessel. Yes Jesus is here to rebuild your dreams. Come to Him.
Form the words of this widow we understand that her husband was a spiritual man. Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves." Husband of this widow, the disciple of Elisha, was a spiritual man. There is no relation with spirituality and Richness. A spiritual man can die without wealth. What is the great wealth a man can leave behind before his death. Is it a Big Bank balance? Property? A Business with good return? No The greatest wealth a man can leave behind for his children is the testimony about him that he lead a righteous life. (It may be against todays belief. ) This is the time of prosperity theology. But here we can see the righteous man died as a poor man. But David says that “ I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” Ps. 37.25 Yes it is the promise to the righteous. May be some of us enjoying these good things in our life, just because of our righteous parents. The greatest wealth we can left behind for our children is the testimony about ourselves that we lead a righteous life. So that our children wont be begging for their food.