
Summary: We will stand before God for what we have done with what he has give us

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There is no excuse before God

Exodus 3:1-7, 10-14, 4:1-5, 10-14

An excuse is a reason we give for not doing what someone else expects us to do. We not only make excuses for missing church, but for missing work, school, and meetings. We also make excuses for bad behavior and for bad attitudes, and for not getting a job done on time.

One of the worst times we make excuses is when we feel God impressing us or calling on us to do something. We find all sorts of reasons for not doing what God wants us to do. He no doubt has called on you to do one of the following things at some point in your Christian life: To share your faith with someone who needs to know about Jesus. To partake in an outreach program at church. To help in special music in church. To do something nice for someone. To teach a Sunday School Class. To help in a Bible Study. To take a short term missions trip. To talk with a fellow believer about a sin in his life. To be a peacemaker between two believers. To give more to church or to missions or to a special project. To help someone who is having a difficult time. To be an officer in the church. To be an officer in the Sunday School.

In some cases you simply did what God called you to do. In other cases you may have simply made excuses for not doing. Making excuses is nothing new. Some of God’s choicest servants in the Bible made excuses when God called on them to do something. One of the people who made excuses when God called him was Moses. Moses had the advantage of a Godly home. Two great things he grew up with were an absolute faith in God and a fearless courage. Faith outlasts fear. When ever we begin with God we need both of these to be developed in our spiritual lives. Moses grew up in a bad environment. The palace had no helpful spiritual influences and does not seem a great place to grow in a life for God. God had him there to test him in a hard place. As he grew up in Egypt he became a learned student, a powerful statesman and a valiant soldier. From this information we know that we can not choose our heredity or environment that we grow up in. We do have the choice of what our life is to become. IT’S A GOOD TIME TO CHANGE . Moses was the little baby that was placed the river, when Pharaoh, had ordered all male babies be killed. Moses was found and ended up growing up in Pharaoh’s court, receiving all the education of Egypt. God does not force Himself on us. Moses let God have an intimate relationship with him and it says that God spoke to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend. It was Moses’ faith that made him what God used him to be.

Moses spent forty years in the wilderness, taking care of sheep. Meanwhile the children of Israel were having a miserable time as slaves in Egypt. God decided that it was time for the children of Israel to be delivered from their bondage in Egypt. God decided that the man who was going to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt was Moses. God appeared to Moses in a burning bush that would not burn up and called Moses to be God’s representative before Pharaoh and to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. It is at this point that Moses began to make excuses for not doing what God wanted him to do. It was in the desert that Moses learned how to be what God wanted and not do. It was not by hearsay that Moses learned here but by experience. He had to learn no matter how great he was in the past he was very common. Any greatness that would come would be the result of God’s indwelling. It was in the desert that Moses heard God call that he had missed when he took on the task by himself. After getting the call Moses decided that he lacked prestige, the message, authority, eloquence, special adaptation, success. This list would pretty well not qualify him of the task. This made God angry. Have you or would you ever want to make God angry?

Do we find ourselves guilty of using the same excuses today when God calls us? We find five excuses for not doing what God wants you to do.

EXCUSE #1 – I AM UNWORTHY Exodus 3:11

Moses was saying “Who am I?” Of all Moses’ excuses this one was the most genuine. Moses had come a nation of slaves. He had attempted deliverance before and was at guilty of murder. We have all failed God in the past. Because of this we don’t deserve to be used of God. But if you have placed your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He has planned for you to serve Him. God has plans for you. You have been called to a life of good works to be done for God through Jesus Christ. Are we worthy of such a thing? Of course not! But that’s what God’s grace is all about. We need to see God’s response to Moses claiming to be unworthy. God said, “I’ll be with you.” When God calls us He says, “I’ll be with you.” God wants us to depend on Him to achieve whatever He has called us to do.

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