
Summary: We all know what it means to fall. Babies a few months old instinctively guard against falling the first time they pull themselves up. We constantly warn and take precautions from falling. Safeguards are seen in dangerous places to prevent falls.

We all know what it means to fall. Babies a few months old instinctively guard against falling the first time they pull themselves up. We constantly warn and take precautions from falling. Safeguards are seen in dangerous places to prevent falls. A lot of people in hospitals with broken bones and bruised bodies from falling. “Bro. Brock” I have been called upon to minister to people on sad occasions because of falling. Most falls are from carelessness, not intentional. So is the fall of our text, verses 26-29. Given setting for this fall into the hands of God. Falling into God’s hands as a Christ rejecting sinner.

I. Man’s First Fall was from God.

1. Romans 5:12

2. Contrary to Darwin theory. Modernist theology.

3. Man was not created a sinner. Sinless. Genesis 1:26-27.

4. God’s law given to govern His conduct, Genesis 2:15-17.

5. Manner of the fall, Genesis 3:1-7.

6. Eve knew the word of God, verses 2-3.

7. Satan through the serpent offered the temptation.

8. In verse 1, Satan’s questions.

9. Verse 3 took out and added too.

10. Verse 4 made God a liar.

11. Results of the fall.

a. Verse 7, a sense of unfitness of appearance in presence of God and presence of each other.

b. In verses 8-9, a fear of God. Cowardly attitude of mind.

c. Verses 23-24, driven from first home.

d. Verses 17-19, Cursed ground, hard labor.

1) Great society will not achieve what it thinks it will.

2) Only the Millennium Kingdom.

e. Sinners in helpless captivity to sin and Satan, regarded as children of the Devil, John 8:44.

II. A Fearful Fall, verse 27

1. Fiery Judgment.

2. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, Proverbs 9:10.

3. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man, Ecclesiastes 12:13.

4. Fear teaches man to prepare, a friend. Hebrews 11:7.

5. Taught to fear God, Matthew 10:28.

III. A Fatal Fall

1. 2nd death of the soul, Revelation 20:14-15.

2. A rejection of God’s final offer of his son as a sacrifice for sin, verses 18-26.

3. God not pleased with many sacrifices, verses 6-8.

4. Jesus made one sacrifice for all men, verse 10.

5. Jesus made one sacrifice for all sin, verse 12.

6. Jesus made one sacrifice for all time and eternity, verse 14.

7. Jesus’ sacrifice, a once for all achievement, cannot be a repetition or offering over and over again.

8. What it means to reflect Christ. Walk on blood, count it unholy, despise the spirit of grace.

IV. A Final Fall from God

1. At White Throne Judgment and casting into the Lake of Fire.

2. No more dealings with God.

3. Weeping and Wailing throughout ceaseless ages of eternity.

4. When you are through, God is too.

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