
Summary: We are encouraged to set a GOAL. A goal that other people think you can’t. Create the guts to face your fear and every struggle that comes on your way. Have a STRONG CHARACTER! Always THINK POSITIVE! Don’t be affected from those DISCOURAGEMENTS. When we

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“SHOOTING is the MOST IMPORTANT fundamental OFFENSIVE SKILL in basketball.

A team that SHOOTS WELL will always be in a ball game.” By: Coach Jerry Tarkanian

If you want to be a SUPERB SHOOTER, you must have VERY GOOD basketball SHOOTING FORM and TECHNIQUE.

SHOT Defined:

 A STROKE in an attempt to EARN POINTS.

 The CONCENTRATION is focused towards the TARGET or GOAL. Like DAVID did!

 He hit the GIANT w/ one SHOT of stone.


S- Steadfast.

H- Humility & Harmony.

O- Over comer.

T- Trust

4 Keys of Having the BEST SHOT:


STEADFAST, Defined accd’g to the Dictionary:

 Fixed in intensity or direction;

 Unwavering or determined in purpose

 Fixed or unchanging;

 Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving.

 Resolute - firm in purpose or belief; characterized by determination; "stood resolute against the enemy",

STEADFAST, Defined accd’g to the Bible:

1 Peter 5:10(NIV):

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, AFTER YOU HAVE SUFFERED a little while, will Himself RESTORE you and MAKE YOU STRONG, FIRM and STEADFAST.”

Try to ask yourself, “Why am I doing all these things? Why do I need to experience all these? What would I be in the future; next year; in three years; in five years; in 10 years, in 20 years? Try to go beyond 40 years.” I’m trying to emphasize that you need to set a goal in whatever field you’re in. You never tried it before, start dreaming now and set your GOAL and VISIONS. In that way you will become FOCUSED.

Having a POSITIVE MINSET and being DETERMINED helps you create the will that makes you go beyond your ability. The will that makes you DO ONE MORE TIME even the body’s shaking due to exhaustion.

Always remember, “It is the mind that keeps you going.”

 Be a Man of DESTINY!!!

 David was a man of DESTINY. He was CALLED & CHOSEN by God to Pastor God’s Great Congregation.

It is the MIND that:



3. Enables you to ENDURE the PAIN


 Be SINGLE-MINDED in your PURSUIT of your DESTINY. Not looking to the right or to the left.

 If you have DETERMINED of what you would be, you will have the NERVE TO ENDURE THE PAIN.

1 Corinthians 15:58(NIV):

“Therefore, my dear brothers & sisters, STAND FIRM. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that YOUR LABOR in the Lord is NOT IN VAIN.”


HUMILITY Defined accd’g to the Dictionary:

 A disposition to be patient and long suffering.

 The feeling of patient.

 A feeling of being of little worth.

 A feeling of self-respect and personal worth.

 Be a Man of INTEGRITY!!!

“WHAT YOU ARE AS A PERSON is far more important than what you are as a basketball player.” By: John Wooden

“My RESPONSIBILITY is getting all my players playing for the NAME ON THE FRONT of the jersey, not the one on the back.” By: Unknown


1 Peter 5:5(NIV)

“…All of you, clothe yourselves with HUMILITY TOWARD ONE ANOTHER, because,

‘God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble.’”


HARMONY Defined accd’g to the Dictionary:

 Agreement in action, opinion, feeling, etc.; accord

Psalm 133:1(NLT)

“How WONDERFUL and PLEASANT it is when BROTHERS live together in HARMONY!”

"ONE MAN can be a crucial INGREDIENT on a TEAM, but one man cannot make a team."

By: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

“It doesn’t matter WHO SCORES the points, it’s WHO can get the BALL to the SCORER.” By Larry Bird

“Talent wins games, but TEAM WORK and intelligence wins championships.”By: Michael Jordan

Philippians 2:14(NIV):

“Do everything W/O COMPLAINING or ARGUING, so that you may BECOME BLAMELESS and pure, children of God W/O FAULT in a crooked & depraved generation, in w/c you SHINE LIKE STARS in the UNIVERSE.”


OVERCOMER Defined accd’g to the Dictionary:

 To be victorious

 get on top of; deal with successfully

 To defeat (another) in competition or conflict; conquer

 “No pain, no gain.”

The only way that you need to know if you want to succeed is if you’re willing to fail. So if you are afraid of failure, then you will never grow. You have to take the risk!

“During the process of reaching a GOAL is PAINFUL. It requires proper TRAINING and PREPARATION. TRAINING is PAINFUL; PREPARATION requires PATIENCE.”

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” By: Michael Jordan

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