
The Unheard Voices of Christmas

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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It’s the season of Christmas, filled with joyful sounds of bells ringing, choirs singing, and music in the air. However, amidst these cheerful noises, there are also sounds of sorrow and grief. These are the unheard voices of Christmas.

Title: The Cries of Christmas


During the Christmas season, we are surrounded by joyful sounds like bells ringing, choirs singing, and music filling the air. However, amidst the celebration, there are also sounds of anguish and grief. Today, we will explore the less talked about sounds of Christmas and what they communicate to us.

I. Suffering: God Bears It With Us

The Christmas story not only includes angels, shepherds, and wise men, but also the tragic events that unfolded in Bethlehem. King Herod, feeling threatened by the news of another king's birth, ordered the execution of all boys in Bethlehem who were two years old and younger. The cries of children and the wailing of their mothers became part of the Christmas sounds.

God's message in this suffering is that He understands the pain in our world and has come to bear it with us. Jesus, born in Bethlehem, would later suffer on the cross for our sins. He is not a distant God but one who walks with us in our suffering.

II. Uncertainty: God Leads Us Through It

Mary and Joseph experienced uncertainty as they fled to Egypt with baby Jesus to escape Herod's wrath. They didn't know where they would stay or what the future held for them. Similarly, our lives are filled with uncertainty. However, as Christians, we have the advantage of knowing that God will lead us through it. We can trust Him to take care of us, just as He cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field.

III. Death: God Overcomes It

In Bethlehem, innocent children fell victim to Herod's madness. Yet, one child was saved and carried off to Egypt. That child, Jesus, would later die on a cross to overcome death itself. While death is a reality in our world, God sent His Son to give us victory over it. Through Jesus, the sting of death has been taken away, and we can have hope beyond the grave.


Christmas reminds us that God is present in our suffering, leads us through uncertainty, and overcomes death. He offers Himself to us and waits for our response. As we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, may we find comfort, guidance, and hope in the midst of the sounds of anguish and grief.

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