The Type Of The Second Coming Series
Contributed by James O. Davis on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I believe the life of Enoch is a type of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please note the characteristics of the man named Enoch. We will see there are several similarities with his day, time and life as compared with our day, time and lives.
James O. Davis is the founder and president of Second Billion (TM). You are invited to learn more about Second Billion by visiting www.billion.tv.
Enoch appears only three times in the Word of God. In Genesis chapter 5:21-24, we are told of his birth, that he walked with God, that he gave birth to a son, and that he was raptured into heaven. In Hebrews 11:5, we read that he pleased God and that he was translated into heaven. In Jude, verses 14-15, we learn that he preached to the ungodly of his day and warned them of the coming of the Lord in judgment. In these two short verses, Jude refers to what Enoch saw concerning the Second Coming of Jesus in the Book of Genesis, and 6,000 years later, what he saw about the Lord’s coming “with ten thousands of His saints to bring judgment upon this wicked world.”
In Enoch’s day there were two kinds of people on the earth: the descendants of Seth and the descendents of Cain. The descendents of Cain lived for this world. They are found in Genesis four in the marketplaces and cities of art, science and industry. It was man doing man’s thing to build a pain-free, pleasure-filled society.
The descendents of Seth did not live for this world, but for the world to come. They are found in Genesis chapter 5. Here the Word of God does not take us to the marketplace but to the morgue. In fact, throughout Genesis 5 we read, repeated over and over, “And he died…and he died…and he died…” Every time we see those words, we are reminded that the devil is a liar. He had told Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:4, “Go ahead and sin, you won’t die.” God had told them, as sure as you break the commandment of the Lord, you will die.
Even though Genesis began in a Garden, it ended in a grave. It started with a beginning, but ended with a burial. It ended with Joseph dying and being buried because when man sins, man will die.
It is worth noting that the Bible says two things of the Sethites that it does not say of the Canaanites. Of the godly people in the line of Seth, the Word says, “he lived” and “he died.” In between there was always a new birth, there was always life. The Word of God never says the Canaanites lived because they didn’t. The Canaanites were always dying, whereas God’s people, even though the Word records their deaths, says, “they lived.”
You never find in Genesis, chapters four and five, where God recorded that any of the Canaanite deaths were precious in the sight of God. Any time a child of God passes away, however, God makes a record and knows the passing of every saint of God.
Enoch was the seventh from Adam. Instead of a tomb he experienced translation. Instead of death he experienced departure. Instead of a grave he made it to Glory. I believe the life of Enoch is a type of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please note the characteristics of the man named Enoch. We will see there are several similarities with his day, time, and life as compared with our day, time, and lives.
At Enoch’s birth, Adam was 622 years old. Seth was 492 years old. Jared was 162 years old. As a matter of fact, Enoch lived alongside Adam for 308 years. We’re going to find out that Enoch was 65 years old, just a young boy. I mean 65 years for that day and time was just a child because people then were living above 900 years. But as sure as man sinned, man’s life was going to be shortened and he would experience death and destruction.
A) An age of permissiveness -- Enoch live in a time of socially permissiveness. There were no restraints on crime. Lawlessness flourished. Immorality was rampant. Marriage was only a convenience, not a commitment. Polygamy was a lifestyle in the day. If ever there was a day like that of Enoch’s, it is today.
B) An age of presumptuousness -- Secularism was the rule of the day. It was an age when men did not follow or obey the Lord. Secularism was the dominant influence. The people were occupied with the necessities of life, eating and drinking. There were also bent toward the niceties of life, marrying and giving in marriage.
Secularism was an influencing then as it is today. People were more interested in the present world than in the world to come; in gold than in God; in silver than in the Savior; in their jobs than in Jesus; in their work than in their word; in the kingdom now than in the Kingdom to come.