The Twin Sister Of Faith
Contributed by Gene Cullum on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Source of Safety in the Hour of Our Trial, Is At Our Lord’s Feet In Prayer!!!
(Prayer and Praise)
II Chron. 20:4-12; 17-20; 21-26 & 30
I love the Object Lessons the Old Testament teaches us... Lessons that will aid you and me in handling our everyday problems... For Instance, How Do You React When You Receive Alarming News...
You see, the Christian Life is not always calm and peaceful... Problems do come into the life of a Christian... For us to indicate that the Christian Life is always a bed of roses, would be giving a false view of what Christianity is all about...
The Christian Life However, is "An Overcoming Life!" We can learn some valuable Lessons About Overcoming just by Observing the lives of people like King Jehosaphat...
You can see from this passage before us today, how King Jehoshaphat uses the TWIN SISTERS OF FAITH Prayer & Faith to overcome a Battle Placed Before Him...
He met his Alarming News with a calm brave and righteous spirit... So Let’s Examine This Passage and Learn to Use THE TWIN SISTERS OF FAITH, Prayer & Praise Just Like King Jehoshaphat did...
The Sudden News of a great invasion came to King Jehoshaphat, and like a True Man of God, "He set Himself to seek the Lord, Proclaiming a fast, and the people came together with all speed and the whole nation earnestly cried to the Lord for His aid..." Notice FIRST OF ALL:
The Alarm of what was coming, is attended to at once, and is Prepared for... What Did They Do? They Asked For Help in PRAYER!!! How Did They Ask?
A) With An Expression of Confidence... (v6)
"Art thou not?" Is not a question of God’s Ability, His Character, or His Power... IT IS A STATEMENT OF FAITH!!! "In the presence of all the congregation of Judah and Benjamin, in the House of the Lord, When all Judah stood before the Lord, with their little ones, their wives, and their children, prayer was made to God..."
This Brings To Mind The Word "PRAYER SUPPORT..." The Source of Safety in the Hour of Our Trial, Is At Our Lord’s Feet In Prayer!!!
Very suddenly we find the scene changing in the Chronicles of the Kingdom of Judah, from Peaceful and Pleasant to the Alarm of War From A Combination of Enemies, That Would Threaten Jehoshaphat’s Kingdom...
LISTEN: We may suddenly find ourselves in Alarming Danger, for no reason of our own that we can think of... It happened to King Jehoshaphat’s Kingdom, It Can Happen To Us...
Was the Judgment of God coming upon this Kingdom? No! Had they done anything that would provoke such an attack? No! They had done nothing to provoke such an attack, nor did they have any reason to expect one...
It came upon them like a clap of thunder in a clear sky... What Did They Do? The Same Thing You and I Must Do... They Asked for Help In Prayer!!! They Asked For Help With An Expression of Confidence... Notice Also, They Asked For Help
B) By Confession Their Condition... (v12)
They Confidently Came To God, and CONFESSED Their Inability to Stand Before The Enemy Without His Help...
They had NO POWER- "We have no might against this great company..." They had NO PLAN- "Neither know we what to do..." What Are We Seeing Here? We Are Seeing Souls Crying Out To God In Desperation...
Would to God that we would come to God Confidently Asking for His Help, Remembering His Past Mercies in our lives, Confessing Our Inability and Depending on His Great Ability!!!
ILLUS: The problem we are seeing today is a society that can do just about anything they attempt... There doesn’t seem to be a real dependence upon God anymore... How Did They Ask? They Asked in Confidence, and Acknowledged their Inability... "And Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the Lord..." (4a)
They Asked In Confidence, Acknowledging Their Inability WHEN ? Before the Battle Even Started, When The Alarm First Went Out, They Approached God’s Throne of Grace...
LISTEN: Don’t hesitate in Coming to the Lord and Asking for Help!!! Now, Notice SECONDLY:
A) With Renewed Assurance Without Fear... (v17)
Their Assurance Brought Glory To God, and Strength to their Souls... "For the Lord will be with you..." Once again, this is their STATEMENT OF FAITH...
How many of us this morning have that kind of Faith In The Hour of our Trials??? How did they arrive at this assurance?
Very Simply, "BY STANDING!!!" Verse 5 tells us King Jehoshaphat STOOD in the congregation of Judah & Jerusalem!" So Now He Gives The Encouragement in verse 17 "Set yourselves" "Stand ye still" "Fear Not" "Be Not Dismayed..."
ILLUS: Have you ever noticed, during a trial or a trying time, Your Friends can sympathize with you; Some may piously say, "Well, that’s the judgement of God upon them..." Your enemies may laugh and say, "Well, that’s good enough for them…” BUT, Where does real peace, comfort and assurance come from? It Comes From the Lord...