
Summary: A man had a friend who enlarged his business because his sales had increased to the point that a larger warehouse and sales office were needed.

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Even though the move was a rather complicated and burdensome process, it was really a thing to be celebrated. For this reason, the man sent his friend some flowers on the day of his grand opening. The matter about the flowers, however, was poorly handled and the businessman received a bouquet that was intended for a funeral. It was accompanied with a card which said, “My deepest sympathy during this time of sorrow.” When the man called his friend on the phone to wish him well, he was confronted with the error. “Why in the world,” said the businessman, “did you send me flowers and a note of sympathy?” The man went immediately to the florist to demand an explanation. The florist met him outside the shop and was obviously upset.

“I am terribly sorry about the mix-up with the flowers,” he said, “but I hope you will be understanding. Your situation is not half as bad as the one down at the funeral home. The folks there received your flowers accompanied by a card which said, ‘BEST WISHES ON YOUR MOVE TO YOUR NEW LOCATION.’”

We can laugh about a reference to death in this setting, but to most of us death is no joking matter.

Illus: If you asked a thousand people what would be the worst thing that could happen to you today most of them would echo the response that the worst thing that could happen to them would be to die.

Death is something we do not like to think, or talk about.

Illus: It is amazing how many people have made no arrangements at all in preparation for death. Then when that time comes the grieving family has to attend to it.

But, some folks do think about this unpopular subject. That is, they want to know all they can about the LIFE after this LIFE.

Every minister has been asked, on many occasions, “What happens after we die?” We want to spend some time in God’s Word and deal with this question that concerns every person.

• We can not help but be concerned about death because sooner or later it will effect every member of my family.

• We cannot help but be concerned about death because sooner or later it will effect every friend that I have.

• Most of all, we are concerned about death because we know it is going to effect every one of us personally.

When it happens to us, to our loved ones, and to our friends; what we want to know then is...WHAT THEN?

Illus: A US Catholic Magazine recently asked its readers two questions:

(1) What lies beyond the grave?

(2) Who will go to heaven?

Well, 83 percent of the magazine’s readers expect to go there when they die. The general consensus was that heaven is a great place for a picnic--a “sylvan setting where it never rains,” and where you’ll be reunited with departed members of your family.

The only problem with this survey is that the results were not scriptural. The Bible says that the road to heaven is straight and narrow and few will find it. It farther says that the road to hell is broad, and many will go to that awful place.

Let me ask you again, that familiar question, “WHAT ABOUT LIFE AFTER THIS LIFE?” However, let us not consult the general public, but the Word of God to find out about LIFE AFTER THIS LIFE. Paul had to teach the Thessalonian Christians because they were like many today. They had been raised in a pagan society. They had no idea what happened to their precious loved ones once they died. Naturally they were greatly concerned about this.

Because of their lack of knowledge on this subject, Paul spent a lot of time preaching and teaching about LIFE AFTER THIS LIFE to them.

Look at verses 13-18. We read, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

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