
Summary: Do you feel abandoned? Feel as though you’ve been sold into slavery? The sufferings of Judah were the necessary result of sin, no certificate of divorce or sale to creditors occurred because Zions separation from the Lord was only temporary.

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The Sweetness Of An Encouraging Tongue.

Isaiah 50:1-4TPT.

A mother who wanted to have the last word but couldn't handle the hassle that resulted whenever she said no to her young son. After an especially trying day, she finally flung up her hands and shouted, "All right, Billy, do whatever you want! Now let me see you disobey THAT!" [Our Daily Bread]

The caption of my Bible reads—The Faithful Husband.

Yahweh asks, “Have I abandoned you? Can you show me your mother’s divorce papers that prove I sent her away? Do you think I sold you into slavery to pay off a debt? No, you sold yourselves into slavery because of your sins, and because of your rebellion I sent your mother away! 2 When I came to you, why was no one there? When I called, why did no one answer? Am I powerless to rescue you or too weak to deliver you? With only a threat I can evaporate the sea and dry up the rivers as a desert, leaving the fish to rot and die of thirst.

3 I dress the sky with darkness and shroud it with sackcloth.” The Servant, Our Teacher 4 The Lord Yahweh has equipped me with the anointed, skillful tongue of a teacher— to know how to speak a timely word to the weary. Morning by morning, he awakens my heart. He opens my ears to hear his voice, to be trained to teach.

Wiersbe Outlines this related section Isaiah 49:1-50:3 as follows:

Isaiah 49:1-7 - A Light in the Darkness

Isaiah 49:8-13 - Liberty to the Captives

Isaiah 49:14-50:3 - Love and Hope to the Discouraged

Isaiah 49:14-23 - A Compassionate Mother

Isaiah 49:23-26 - A Courageous Warrior

Isaiah 50:1-3 - A Constant Lover

Warren Wiersbe says that Isaiah 50:1-3 depicts God as "a constant lover," of Israel His wife. Her unfaithfulness will never cause Jehovah to be unfaithful!

Isaiah 50:1TPT Yahweh asks, “Have I abandoned you? Can you show me your mother’s divorce papers that prove I sent her away? Do you think I sold you into slavery to pay off a debt? No, you sold yourselves into slavery because of your sins, and because of your rebellion I sent your mother away!

Do you feel abandoned? Feel as though you’ve been sold into slavery?

The sufferings of Judah were the necessary result of sin, no certificate of divorce or sale to creditors occurred because Zions separation from the Lord was only temporary.

For Judah, there would be a separation.

Isaiah 52:3NKJV for thus says the Lord: You have sold yourselves for nothing, and you shall be redeemed without money.

The Jews became the servants of their foreign conquerors, who paid nothing for Israel, so the Lord will redeem Israel gratuitously from sin.

Isaiah 50:1 God says: “Can you produce your mother’s divorce papers proving I got rid of her? Can you produce a receipt proving I sold you? Of course you can’t.

Again, God never deprived any of their advantages, except for their sins.

The Jews were sent into Babylon for their idolatry.

Isaiah 50:1b…It’s your sins that put you here, your wrongs that got you shipped out.

Galatians 6:7KJV Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Keep sowing faithfulness, Keep sowing kindness, Keep sowing good deeds. Keep sowing, love.

Jesus’ heart can be found in, Matthew 11:28-29TPT “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. 29 Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.

Jesus is saying, “Yoke up with Me.” Matthew 11:29aTPT Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways…Take My yoke…

The metaphor of a yoke is that it joins two animals to work as one. It is not simply work or toil that is the focus here, but union with Christ.

Jesus said in John 15:1TPT “I am a true sprouting vine, and the farmer who tends the vine is my Father.

Everything Jesus accomplished was to produce union—teaming up, working together.

Matthew 11:29, The Aramaic could be translated “Come to me and I will cheer [refresh] you. I am cheerful [refreshing] and humble in heart, and you will find cheer [refreshing] for your soul.”

Isaiah 50:2TM So why didn’t anyone come when I knocked? Why didn’t anyone answer when I called? Do you think I’ve forgotten how to help? Am I so decrepit that I can’t deliver? I’m as powerful as ever, and can reverse what I once did:

Matthew Henry—When God calls men to happiness, and they will not answer, they are justly left to be miserable.

God asks the question—Why doesn’t anyone come when I knock? Why doesn’t anyone answer when I call?

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