
Summary: Psalm 23 offers hope in the darkest hours. It has brought encouragement to the discouraged and strength to the weary. David leads us through a journey as he extols the unmatched care of the Shepherd for His sheep.

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The Song of the Shepherd!

Psalm 23:1


Psalm 23 – one of the best known and most loved passages in all of the Bible. Visited many a saint and brought them comfort and hope in their darkest hour. Read at the bedside of the sick/dying… visited the discouraged and downtrodden and brought them encouragement; visited the weak and weary and brought them rest and refreshment and strength to go on.

Ps. 23 has been referred to as...

• The Psalm of Psalms

• The Pearl of Psalms

• The Song of the souls of men.

• The Sweetest Song ever sung

• The Psalm everybody knows

Quote: “The Twenty-third Psalm is the greatest poem penned in any language. It reigns supreme in circles of highest culture and in the humble homes of the lowly. It sounds all the chords of human experience.” - Dr. Robert C. McQuilkin

Superscription: “A Psalm of David” – lived a shepherd’s life during his formative years… tending his father, Jesse’s flocks. ‘

Written about a Shepherd by a shepherd. In this Psalm, David, the sweet Psalmist of Israel expounds and extols what it means to be a sheep in the Lord’s flock!

Journey: “The Song of the Shepherd!”


Look: v.1 – Two words: “The LORD”

David = want you to know just who my Shepherd really is! Those who know the Lord this morning David’s Shepherd is your Shepherd.

“LORD” = Jehovah/Yahweh – the great, “I AM! The eternal, self-existent Creator God of the Universe!

Jehovah God of the OT is the Jesus of the NT. Jesus = Jehovah saves!

2,000 yrs ago the Lord Jesus stepped into the Shepherd’s role described in Ps. 23 and claimed it for Himself.

Quote: “He wrapped Himself in the verses of Psalm 23 the way an ancient shepherd would put on his coat.

Jesus = is Psalm 23 personified! Can say with sweet assurance – “Jesus is my Shepherd!

Hebrews 13:20 (KJV 1900)

20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

1 Peter 2:25

25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

Revelation 7:17

17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

Before we can delve into the secrets of Ps. 23; must view it in its setting.

Three-fold Trilogy of Psalms… are prophetic in nature… set before us the Shepherd Ministry of Jesus!

• 22 = Ps. Cross – presents Jesus as the Good Shepherd in death. Gave His life for the sheep.

John 10:11 – “I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.”

• Ps. 23 = Crook – presents Jesus as the Great Shepherd in life. Cares for His sheep.

Heb. 13:19 – “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep…”

• Ps. 24 = Crown – presents Jesus as the Chief Shepherd in His sure return. Comes for us!

These 3 Psalms encompasses all that Jesus is to us.

Heb. 13: - “Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, to day, and for ever.”

Ps. 22 = takes care of my past.

Ps. 24 = takes care of my future

Ps. 23 = takes care of my present!

On one side is Ps. 22 – Mt. Calvary, on the other is Ps. 24 Mt. Zion and nestled in between is Ps.23 with its green pastures and still waters.

“Is” = tiny word w/ 1 syllable; 2 letters… bursting with meaning.

Ps. 23 = written in the present tense…

Notice Ps. 23:1 David doesn’t say that The Lord was my shepherd or that the Lord will be my shepherd… says, “The Lord IS my Shepherd. Something God was doing right now.

Interesting: not one petition or promise in Ps. 23… only statements of fact… Ps. 23 is not a prayer to pray; not a promise to claim… but a reality to be experienced!


Look: v.1 – “The LORD is my shepherd;”

Many of our biblical heroes were shepherds: Able, Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, 12 sons (Joseph), Moses, King David!

God reveals Himself as a Shepherd-God!

“Shepherd” = is a shortened form of the words, ‘sheep herder’ – Hebrew word for friend is derived from the Hebrew word for shepherd.

In Bible times, the dog wasn’t man’s best friend; the sheep were. God uses the bond between a shepherd and his sheep to describe the bond/ relationship that He has with us.

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