The Sixth Sense
Contributed by Joseph Bryant, Jr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who gives us a "Sixth Sense" to live in victory. Learning to experience the power and guidance of God’s Spirit.
Experiencing the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:1-8
By Pastor Joseph Bryant, Jr.
In 1999, Hollywood Pictures released one of the most thrilling and popular movies of the past decade. This chilling film presented the story of a child psychologist who was assigned to assist a young boy who had the ability to see beyond the “normal”. Because his capabilities soared beyond the basic human psyche, he was dubbed in the title of the movie as possessing “The Sixth Sense”. Though the film created a fictional sixth sense for the sake of the movie, nearly 2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth promised His followers that we would be given A SIXTH SENSE to empower us to live for Him.
God the Father created the human body with five basic senses. Jesus the Son came to earth and commanded believers to live a life of obedience, abundance, faith and victory. The five senses given to us at our first birth are not capable to live out the attributes of the Christian life. Christ knew that our natural five senses would not be enough. He therefore vowed to leave us with something extra - A SIXTH SENSE – that would come from a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many Christians have ignored, denied, misunderstood or limited the magnificent ministry of the Holy Spirit to the influence of Sunday Shouts instead of development Christlike Character. He is not merely to aid us in our Worship; His primary job is to aid us in our Walk.
How many times have we said to ourselves “I should have followed my first mind”, or “something told me not to do that”, or “I had a feeling this was going to happen”. Often these inner unction’s are promptings from the Holy Spirit as He desires to show us the way we should go. The Holy Spirit can give us the insight, instruction and inspiration necessary for victorious living. Our 5 senses give us power on a human level; the 6th sense gives us power on a divine level. One can not operate in the flesh and experience the life that God has called us to live. One can not operate in the flesh and expect the best of what this life has to offer. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10) . He told us that we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37); He told us that we have victory in Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 15:58). Then why do we live so defeated? Why do we struggle so badly? OBVIOUSLY, WE AREN’T DEPENDING ON THE 6th SENSE.
1) RECEIVE THE GIFT (Verses 4-5)
Jesus told His Disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait on the promise of the Father. They had to go where Christ told them to go to get what Christ wanted them to have. We often miss out on God’s blessings because we refuse to follow His instructions. Ephesians 5 tells us to be “filled with the Spirit”, which is a choice to be led by God’s Presence within us by yielding to His authority and guidance. To be baptized (Acts 1:5) is to be “immersed” or “placed under” something. Believers should be willing place themselves “under” the authority of God’s Spirit.
The Name “Holy Spirit” comes from a Greek word Paracletos which is defined as a helper that comes along side. Used in biblical days as a legal term, it refers to the advocate (attorney) that represents me, and aids me in my case. A good attorney understands the system more than His client, knows how to advise him, and tells him what to say and do. This is what God the Holy Spirit desires to do in us. He has been given to us to AID us in living out the life of strength and sufficiency promised by Christ.
Prior to His departure, the Jews asked Jesus to give them political power, or social power, by restoring “the Kingdom to Israel”. Jesus told them they didn’t need human power, they needed Holy Ghost power. The scriptures bear witness of this median of anointed ability; Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord (Zech. 4:6). In order to experience this power, we must let go of control. CONTROL IS A PRIDE PROBLEM. It is the assertion that we have the ability to rule my own life, which is an assumption that we do not need God. Yet, there can only be one Master in our lives, and we need to recognize that we are not wise enough in our five senses to be our own Master.
God doesn’t mind allowing disruptions in life in order to remind us that we need Him. Trials often force us to trust Him. 2 Corinthians 12 tells us His grace is sufficient for us, because His strength can be made perfect in our weakness. God never asks us to understand what He is doing or why; we are instructed to trust Him (Prov. 3:5). It wasn’t for the Disciples to know what God had put “in His own power” (Acts 1:7). God is the Sovereign ruler of the universe: He can do what He wants, when He wants, with who He wants, how long He wants. God doesn’t have to explain why He does what He does: He is God. It is not for us to figure out WHY. WE NEED LESS FIGURING AND MORE FAITH. Our montra needs to be “ I DON’T HAVE TO HAVE THINGS MY WAY… I will just let God be in control.”