The "S-S-S-S” Of Our Assurance Of Salvation.
Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In the Philippines SSS means Social Security System! It is an INSURANCE company. Speaking of INSURANCE, it involves MONEY! What about ASSURANCE? It only REQUIRES FAITH, HOPE or TRUST!
S – Saved from “Satan’s Slavery”.
S – Stepping Up to “Sonship”.
S – Secured by the Holy Spirit.
S – Servant of the Sovereign King of kings.
SCRIPTURE: Psalms 143:8-12;
“Cause me to HEAR thy LOVING KINDNESS in the MORNING; for in thee do I TRUST: cause me to know the WAY wherein I should WALK; for I LIFT UP my SOUL unto thee. 9DELIVER me, O LORD, from mine ENEMIES: I flee unto thee to HIDE me. TEACH me TO DO THY WILL; for thou art my God: thy SPIRIT is GOOD; lead me into the land of UPRIGHTNESS. Quicken me, O LORD, for thy NAME’s sake: for thy RIGHTEOUSNESS’ sake bring my SOUL out of TROUBLE. And of thy MERCY cut off mine ENEMIES, and DESTROY all them that AFFLICT my SOUL: for I am thy SERVANT.”
*Salvation means that we are NO LONGER UNDER Satan’s AUTHORITY or DOMINION of DARKNESS.
*Salvation means that we are TRANSFORMED to become a NEW CREATION. God by His Holy Spirit will TRANSFORM our NATURE to make it HOLY. Our HEART will be SOFTENED so that we will LOVE ALL people -- even our ENEMIES. We will HATE SIN and WALK IN THE LIGHT. .
Psalm 27:1, KJV: “The LORD is my LIGHT and my SALVATION; whom shall I FEAR? The LORD is the STRENGTH of my LIFE; of whom shall I be AFRAID?”
Paul ASSURES in Col. 1: 13-14, KJV: “For He has RESCUED us from the DOMINION of DARKNESS [Delivered, Saved, Brought out] and BROUGHT us into the KINGDOM of the Son He LOVES [Transferred, in other words, Transformed], in whom we have REDEMPTION through His BLOOD, even the FORGIVENESS of sins.” [Salvation, Buy Back, Restoration, Release, Atone for]
1. Saved from “Satan’s Slavery”.
In verse 9: “DELIVER me, O LORD, from mine ENEMIES: I flee unto thee to HIDE me.”
***In CHESS, there are many instances that when a player taught he won the game, without noticing, it’s PART OF THE PLAN of the opponent to COUNTER his move, then, CHECK MATE! .
The same manner, whenever Satan thinks he won a great VICTORY, unknowingly that will be his great DEFEAT! THE WISDOM OF GOD can never be GRASPED by Satan. Why? Because his mind is PERVERTED, DISTORTED and TWISTED.
The “CHECK MATE” of Satan, “the god of this world”, was at the CROSS of CHRIST. This is the GOOD NEWS, the GENUINE Gospel of Christ! IT IS FINISHED!
**During CALAMITIES, for example, most VICTIMS who can’t afford a better SHELTER to PROTECT or SAFE GUARD their families will look for an EVACUATION CENTER or a REFUGE PLACE. They need GOOD NEWS!
The same manner, “God is our REFUGE & STRENGTH, ALWAYS READY to HELP in times of TROUBLE. (Psalm 46:1, NLT)”. The only thing we do is, “Give ALL your WORRIES and CARES to God, for HE CARES about what happens to you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NLT).
The LOVE of God is our HIDING PLACE! He carries us in His BOSOM, being COMFORTED!
Then Jesus said, “COME TO ME, all of you who are WEARY and CARRY HEAVY BURDENS,
and I will GIVE YOU REST.” Matthew 11:28.
“For I have GIVEN REST to the WEARY and JOY to the SORROWING.” Jeremiah 31:25.
2. Stepping Up to “Sonship”.
In verse 10: “TEACH me TO DO THY WILL; for thou art my God: thy SPIRIT is GOOD; lead me into the land of UPRIGHTNESS.”
*Now that we BELIEVE in Him and ACCEPTED Him as our SAVIOR, the Bible ASSURES us in John 1:12, we have the RIGHT to become CHILDREN of God. And Jesus Christ is our ROLE MODEL!
----Jesus Christ did not DEFEND Himself to His ACCUSERS,
----He even CRIED to our HEAVENLY FATHER to FORGIVE them for they don’t know what they are doing.
The same manner, we should LOVE our ENEMIES, even those who REJECTED Him. We can’t JUDGE those DESPISE Him and those who REFUSE to ACCEPT Him as LORD and SAVIOR. For God is in CONTROL and He will do ALL His PLEASURES. Because sometimes, God ALLOW the devil to HARDEN their hearts for His very OWN PURPOSE. Just SHARE them the GOOD NEWS! Our TESTIMONIES on how God gave us VICTORY over the ENEMY!
3. Secured by the Holy Spirit.
In verse 11:“Quicken me, O LORD, for thy NAME’s sake: for thy RIGHTEOUSNESS’ sake bring my SOUL out of TROUBLE.
*Because we are CARRYING the name of Jesus Christ, God will SURELY PROTECT us from those that AFFLICTS our SOUL. This is the WORK of the HOLY SPIRIT in the LIVES of those who SECURE their LIVES to God by FAITH in Jesus CHRIST. The HOLY SPIRIT COMFORTS us in times of TROUBLES. The HOLY SPIRIT gives us ASSURANCE or HOPE in times that we think there is no more way. The HOLY SPIRIT HELPS and TEACHES us to PRAISE the LORD even in times of TROUBLES.