The Right Soul Food
Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 30, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: Every born-again believer starts off as a baby in Christ drinking milk. The key to growing in the faith is to repent of one's sins and to eat the right soul food. **** This sermon uses a hamburger to illustrate this special food ****
Soul Food
1 Corinthians 3:1-2
Online Sermon: http://www.mckeesfamily.com/?page_id=3567
Ever wonder why we as Christ’s royal priests (1 Peter 2:9) and ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) can’t seem to get closer to God? Why is it so hard to have a relationship with He who is indivisibly present everywhere (Psalms 139), especially when He promises that those who seek will find Him (Proverbs 8:17; Matthew 7:7)? Having received the precious gift of salvation (John 3:16) one would think that those who were purchased at a price (1 Corinthians 6:20) would not mimic the lukewarm hearts of the Laodiceans (Revelation 3:15) but would instead easily reject the ways of this world (1 John 2:15-17) and seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)! While most Christians say they are no longer in love with this world they remain unwilling to make Jesus the lord of their entire being. For most the decisions that they make are often more a reflection of their love for this world than their love for God! The solution to this problem I am going to argue can be found in choosing the right soul food.
How to Make the Right Hamburger Illustration
When I say the word “soul food” this brings images of fried chicken, baby back ribs, sirloin tip steak, home-made chili, poutine and a mountain of deserts the variety of which not even the colors of the rainbow can contain. The soul food that I want to focus on today is none other than the traditional hamburger. Since I believe we learn better with picture and words than with words alone, I going to begin this sermon by describing the illustration I did at the beginning of the church service. I set up a table and on it I placed a hot plate and a frying pan. I then got dressed up as a chef and proceeded to fry the hamburgers. If I had not already had the attention of everyone when they saw me as a chef, I certainly did the moment they smelled those burgers warming up (I precooked them the night before)! I then asked the children to come forward. Each one was given a turn to wear a chef’s hat while they chose how to make their ultimate hamburger. One by one they took a bun and patty in hand and then chose to add from the display table either ketchup, mustard, relish, pickles, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, mayonnaise, onions, milk and sugar. I then asked the children if they would use their imaginations for I was about to explain how the making of these hamburgers might explain how they are to be fed and grow to become mature Christians.
Bread of Life
The bread in this illustration is taken from John 6:35 where Jesus says He is the bread of life. Jesus not only created us but also grants our bodies the ability to live day in and day out (Colossians 1:16; Psalms 139). Every heart beat and breath we take comes from Him! Jesus knew you long before you were born, and His desire has always been that you might come to believe in Him. Not just to believe that He exists but also to want to become part of His family (John 1:12). So how do you get adopted into God’s family? Well, first by saying sorry to Jesus for having not known who He is. When we chose to live our lives without listening and obeying Jesus it proves that we do not yet love Him (1 John 5:2). Your disobedience made God angry to the point that you had to be punished (Romans 6:23). Jesus chose to take your punishment upon Himself by dying on the cross (John 10:18) so that you might have a chance to say that you are sorry. So, the first step in becoming a member of God’s family is to say you are sorry and to believe in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:1).
The next step in becoming a member of God’s family is to ask Jesus to come dwell inside of you (Ephesians 3:17). When you do this something truly wonderful happens! The Bible tells us that we are born again, not of flesh and blood but of the Spirit (John 1:13). When the Bible says born of flesh and blood this means that each one of you were born with hands, arms, legs, hair, nose ears and a body. While it is important to have a physical body, Jesus says that this alone does not get a person into God’s family (1 Corinthians 15:50). To become part of His family you must not only say you are sorry and believe in Jesus (John 3:16) but must also invite Him into your heart. Inviting Him in is as simple as saying “Jesus please come into my heart for I am sorry that I ignored and disobeyed You. From now on I want to live to please you.” The moment that you tell Jesus this you are born again. Not only does His Spirit come live inside of you but from that moment you are part of His family forever (2 Corinthians 1:22)!