The Redeeming Work Of God
Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Oct 22, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: One cannot examine the gracious provision of salvation apart from the finished work of Christ. Christ made the opportunity of salvation a reality through His atoning sacrifice and triumphant resurrection.
The Redeeming work of God
Ephesians 1: 7-10
Our text today deals with the present aspect of our salvation and the provision of Christ which secured salvation for humanity. One cannot examine the gracious provision of salvation apart from the finished work of Christ. The Father had a plan that would bring about the opportunity of salvation for fallen humanity, but apart from the redeeming work of Christ we would yet be in our sin and without hope. Christ made the opportunity of salvation a reality through His atoning sacrifice and triumphant resurrection.
The Father set in motion a plan in eternity past to provide our salvation. Through the obedience of Christ, the Son, God’s plan of redemption is now a present reality. This passage reveals the grace of God for those who were undeserving. It amplifies the redemptive position available through faith in Christ, our Redeemer, Savior, and Lord. Because of the fall and our fallen nature, all stand in need of redemption in Christ. When sin is finished, it brings forth death. We all needed to be delivered from the condemnation of sin and set at liberty, being reconciled to God. As we examine the aspects of the provision of Christ for sinful humanity, I want to consider: The Redeeming work of God.
I. The Significance of our Redemption (7) – In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Paul declared the great significance of redemption through Christ. Consider:
A. The Provision – In whom we have redemption through his blood. We have received redemption through the shed blood of Christ upon the cross. One cannot consider salvation, and redemption in particular, apart from recognizing the great price the Lord paid on our behalf. Sin required a perfect sacrifice. God alone was worthy to pay the price sin demanded. Adorning a body of flesh, Christ offered Himself the atoning sacrifice for our sin. He willingly laid down His life, bearing our sin, becoming our substitute, while enduring the wrath of holy God poured out upon sin so that He might redeem us unto Himself.
For those who have been in church for a while, redemption is a word and concept with which we are familiar. It is a vital aspect of our salvation. The redemption provided through the sacrifice Christ made on the cross is gracious and sufficient. This refers to “a ransom paid in order to deliver one from bondage, particularly the bondage of slavery.” We were all enslaved by sin, hopeless within ourselves to purchase our freedom and be liberated from our pitiful condition. The blood Jesus shed on the cross settled the debt, paying the necessary ransom to set us free.
B. The Pardon – In whom we have…the forgiveness of sins Through the selfless sacrifice of Christ, we are not only redeemed, we are also forgiven. In order to fully appreciate this gracious pardon, we need to quickly examine each aspect involved. We have been forgiven in Christ. This means “to send off, to send away, to release, to let go.” (i) In Christ, our sin is forgiven. This refers to a “transgression, trespass, a falling by the way, or deviating from the way.” (ii)
We are all guilty of transgressing the law of God, falling away from Him in sin, deviating from the way of righteousness. God is holy and just. He could have demanded that we pay for our sin debt and bring restitution for our transgression. However, God knew there was an insurmountable problem in that – we were unable to pay our sin debt; we had not way to bring restitution for our transgressions. Therefore, God chose to send His only begotten Son to die in our place, paying our debt to ransom us from sin. In so doing, God made the choice to release our debt, send it away, and let it go. The saved by grace have been fully pardoned of sin through the ransom paid by Christ our Lord.
C. The Plan (7) – In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. The provision and pardon associated with our redemption are all the result of God’s marvelous grace. Prior to the creation of man, God had redemption’s plan in mind. Through His tender grace, God planned to provide redemption for us through His Son. If that doesn’t reveal the riches of God’s grace bestowed on the underserving, I don’t know how it could be described. The saved are recipients of the matchless riches of God’s grace – His unmerited favor for those who are undeserving.
II. The Abundance in our Redemption (8-9) – Paul goes on to describe the great abundance received by those who are redeemed in Christ. He spoke of: