
Summary: A message on the earth’s creation.


Genesis 1:1-2

INTRO: We know the story of the Creation, as given in Genesis, but do we

really understand it? We live in a time when there is so much controversy concerning the Bible. Scientist’s disclaim the Bible, because they believe the earth to be more than 6,000 years old.

We are caught up in a division between science and the Bible. We need not be, if we will study God’s word, and learn what it really says.


A. The Bible says that God created the heaven and the earth.

1. God wanted companionship (John 1:1-2).

2. So he created the angels — Sexless beings.

B. The angels had access th the earth (Ezekiel 28:13-15).

1. Satan began to desire to be like God (Isaiah 14:12-15).

2. When Satan said: "I will" sin began.

C. Because of the fall of Satan, the earth became contaminated and

had to be destroyed.


A. God now recreates the earth.

1. This time it is to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18).

2. Recreation was necessary.

B. Time began with the recreation.

1. The new beginning — the first day.

2. Science does not disagree with the bible, in light of these


C. Man’s fall in the recreation.


A. Man is born into this world in sin.

1. This does not mean that it is a sin to bring children into

the world, but that man is born a sinner.

2. Because man is born a sinner, he must receive salvation.

B. Man is then RECREATED when he receives salvation.

1. Because of his sinful nature.

2. God recreates man through Christ.

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Sebastian Joseph

commented on Feb 25, 2019

Genesis 1. It's worth studying every bit of it and compare with the Gospel of John 1. The Nature and Character of God is unique. He gives his creatures absolute freedom with the instructions. Genesis 3:15 is the remedy where by God Himself become manifest in the flesh to sort out the common Enemy and crushed his Head and took away the Keys of Hell & Death from him. Now WE sons of Adam will cast him into the Lake of Fire. How is the story with such a Climax ? That's our God YAHWEH Who had to be born in the Flesh and be like one of us . How precious are we if we study carefully to know our God and Saviour YAHSHUA. Let's worship Him day and night and above all love Him .

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