
Summary: Every person has some great needs. 1. The need for the glorious message of Christ. 2. The need for the right response—that is, to arise quickly and come to Christ. 3. The need to reach out and help other people. If you ever want to pull yourself out

Man has needs. Tonight we are going to discuss 5 needs that man has as seen in the experience of Mary with Jesus.

The first need is for the glorious message of Christ. READ v. 28. Last study, we were with Martha and Jesus and Martha told Jesus, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.”

This great confession apparently struck some kind of hope within Martha. Just what she was expecting, maybe she didn’t even know, but there was a spark of hope. Here Lord was now with her. Whatever could be done would be done. Whatever help was available would be given. Here faith and trust were in Jesus.

Only one thing was missing; her sister Mary. So she hurried to share the glorious news with her.

1. The Teacher. The definite article “the” is important. Jesus wasn’t just a teacher but THE teacher. That means, to Martha, Jesus was the supreme teacher, the Master, the Lord, the Teacher of all men.

2. Then she added, “The Teacher is here.” In other words, the answer that we so desperately need is now available. The One who can give us the help we need has now come. The Teacher who can teach us how to meet all of our needs, our troubles, our trials, our sorrow and hurt, our loneliness and emptiness is here.

3. Then Martha said, “The Master asks “for you.” Jesus calls and summons you. He wonders where you are and why you haven’t come. He wants you now.

READ 29-30. The second need that man has is to make the right response to Christ—the response of arising quickly and running to Him.

The message of Christ is enough to stir Mary. It’s enough to stir action within the heart of any person who honestly seeks the answer to the riddle and trials of life and death.

When Mary heard, she responded quickly. The idea is that she jumped up quickly and ran to meet Jesus. Hope and expectation were stirred in her heart. Did you notice that this message to Mary had come to here in a very quiet manner? V. 28 say Martha took Mary aside. So the message was delivered in a quiet manner, secretly, in a whisper, without anyone else knowing it. What this says is that no matter how quietly the message is proclaimed, a person is to respond by arising quickly and running to meet Jesus.

Mary acted on her own and made her own decision. She didn’t consult with anyone, not even with those who were closest to her. She got up and went to Jesus leaving friends and neighbors behind. The religionists were there trying to comfort her in the loss of her brother but she said nothing to them either.

She didn’t think about who would be at the house to receive the guests who came offering their condolences. She didn’t think of the distance. Jesus was still on the outskirts of Bethany. It was a considerable distance for her to walk. She didn’t consider what her guests might think. Jesus called her and all she was concerned about was responding. Oh, if only the lost of today would respond like that. One of man’s needs is to respond yet so many fight it service after service.

READ 31. Even though Mary left abruptly, the third need of man is for people, friends and neighbors to reach out to help each other. This is a touching picture. When the neighbors and friends saw Mary leave quickly, they thought she was going to the tomb to mourn over Lazarus. They were with her to comfort her so they followed her.

Note what happened. They, too, were brought face to face with Jesus. Because they were set on comforting Mary, they, too, were hare in Mary’s experience with Christ. They, too, were given the opportunity to trust Christ. In fact, many did believe, p\or put their faith in Him. We will see that in v. 45.

These friends and neighbors set the example for helping others. Note the result of sincere help. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Christ. Many are brought to Christ when they help those who already know Christ.

READ 32. The 4th need of man is the confession of faith, even if the faith is limited and weak. As soon as Mary saw Jesus, she fell at his feet in homage and worship and made a confession of faith in Him.

She called him “Lord.” But she expresses the same complaining, limited faith that Martha did. The thought behind this is that man has a need to make a genuine confession of faith no matter how weak that faith may be. We still need to make that confession. Even if one’s belief and confession are weak, they will grow as one walks with Jesus day by day.

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