The Rapture And Beyond
Contributed by David Fox on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Simple Sermonette
-1st Thessalonians 4:13 –5:11
-1st Corinthians 15
Our main focus is the RAPTURE other subjects are only briefly touched on at this time. (But all of your questions are welcome!)
Things to remember about the RAPTURE.
1)It is when Jesus returns in the clouds for the true Christians.
-Only true Christians will go
-We will be caught up to the clouds with Him
-Our bodies will be changed
-We will be made perfect
(1 Cor. 15:50-54) (1 Thes. 4:16-17)
2)It will happen quickly.
(1 Cor. 15:52)
Beyond the Rapture
Great Tribulation: ( 7yrs long)
Mt. 24:21 “For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now – and never to be equaled again.”
1) Anti-Christ will rule the earth.
(Dan. 9:27 Rev. 13:12)
2) Everyone will be forced to take a mark on
their hand or fore head.
-pledge of allegiance to the Anti-Christ.
-must have the mark to buy or sell.
3) It will be a time when God pours out His wrath
on the earth.
(1Thes 5:1-11, Rev. 6:16-17)
4) Armageddon
(Dan. 9:27, Rev.19:11-21)
Return of Christ with the Saints.
(Rev. 19:11 –21)
Thousand Year Reign on Earth.(Rev. 20)
-Christ and the Sts. Will reign 1000 years on the earth
-Satan will be bound during this time
Release of Satan / Final battle (Rev. 20)
-Satan released. He deceives the nations (many people) into following him.
-Thrown into the bottomless pit forever. (The end of
New heavens and new earth are created by God
(Rev. 21-22)
-No more sin or evil.
-We will “rule and reign with Christ for eternity”.