
Summary: God will meet your needs!

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The Ram will be Provided

Text: Gen. 22:1-


A. Abraham the spiritual traveler

Abraham is an wonderful character study for us, and is important because he was chosen of God to become the father of a new spiritual people (You and I) Seeds were planted in his

heart from which were to spring wonderful results for all future blessings (You & I)

We see that he had a divine call on his life, he was living with his father and he received a messages from the Lord, that he was to separate himself from his old association and go to a new country.

He was promised God’s favor, great prosperity and he would become a blessing to all the families of the earth. How many know this makes for a great study!

Well you have to do it on your own! I have and I want to share on a story that I done of Abraham character life in which God has asked Abraham in which God asked him to offer .up his son Isaac as a sacrifice.

Text: Gen. 22: 1-14 Pray


A. Abraham

Has been obedience to the call that God has put on his life, it has not been easy, even through God has bless him in many ways!

1.He has left his family, friends the comfort of home, the sercuity that he had in the land that they live at.

2. He has seen how God brought Lot out of the judgment that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah as a result of his prayer of intercession.

He has wavered on the promises of a son, taking the matter into his own hands by listening to his wife and taking her servant which bore him a son named Ishmael, who he thought would be the one to fulfill God’s promises and covenant.

And we pick up and look at his life as he is tested once again on his faith in God.

It’s a very familiar story for many of us, But I truly believe there is something here that I believe that God would have us to see!

Let’s look at v. 1 “ Sometime later God tested Abraham!

1.Abraham had his son born, he has come to love him! He was proud of his son! He was on the mountain top of the blessing of God!

And here comes a test! Can I get a witness to that!

It would be a spiritual test! A test of Abraham’s faith, trust, and obedience in God.

As we look at this as I said I believe that the Lord has shown me something that I had never really seen before. vv. 3-5

I as well as some of you have looked at this and marveled at Abraham’s faith! As he tells his servants to wait and that he and Isaac were going on to worship the Lord, “And we will be back” I looked at that and all I could say is WOW! What faith Abraham had!

For as he told the servants to wait he already knew that he had to offer up Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice to God. Yet he had enough faith to say the lad and I will be back!(WOW)

Imagine yourselves in Abraham’s place. But again I think the Lord has some else for us to look at!

Let’s look at v. 5 “Stay here with the donkey”

I have looked at this before and never really thought much about this verse

Why did Abraham tell his servants to wait?

Why did the Spirit of God lead Abraham to instruct his servants to wait?

Again I don’t have any scriptures to base this on, so I ask you to judge this in your spirit.

As I looked at this, why would he ask his servants to wait I began to think on reasons of why Abraham told them to wait.

2.The two Servants

a. Not much is said about the two servants of Abraham. We are not even told their names or how long they had served Abraham.

But, you know me! I am always saying I can imagine, or I put myself in the time period of the story. So again I say perhaps I have no way to base what I want to share but that I truly think this is what God has shown me.

Perhaps this servants had been with Abraham all a long, they had seen what Abraham had gone through the past years they has seen how had struggled at times to keep his faith in God’s promises. They had seen how God had kept his promises and had as well as Abraham come to love his son Isaac.

And as Abraham came to the place of where God had directed him to offer up Isaac on the altar, perhaps Abraham thought, this servant of mine love Isaac also and they will not understand what God has asked me to do!

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