
Summary: A Christian man was making plans to leave the country. He went to apply for a passport, and he was told that before he could receive a passport he had to produce evidence of his birth.

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He was stunned when the woman looked at him and asked him to do such a thing.

He asked, "My standing before you is not evidence that I have been born?" She said, "No, you will have to bring your birth certificate or something comparable to a birth certificate to show proof of your birth, and that you are who you say you are."

He left thoroughly confused, but the more he thought about it, he could understand why they would ask for proof to verify that he was who he said he was.

Illus: You see, a person could go to the bank and tell them his name was JOHN DOE, and that he wanted to cash a check for ten thousand dollars. If they did not ask for any proof of who he was, he could create some serious problems for JOHN DOE.

This is something that creates confusion among Christians. We have many who claim to be Christians, but they have no evidence to prove they are who they claim to be.

However, as we look at the conversion of Zacchaeus, we could wish that all conversions resulted in such evidence as his.

In order to have such conversions, let us look at FOUR things about Zacchaeus and his conversion.


In verses 1-4 we read, "And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way."

We cannot really appreciate what the Lord did in Zacchaeus' CONVERSION, until we recognize what the Lord saved him out of. Zacchaeus was a tax collector. Let us examine...


There are several jobs that most people do not want, such as:

(1) Funeral director

(2) Cemetery salesman

(3) Tax collector

Why is it that MOST people do not want to choose these jobs?

Because the general public does not like people who work in these jobs. Most of the time, when you have to deal with any of them it is because you are in trouble.

Notice, Zacchaeus was not only a tax collector; the Bible says he was, "...the chief among the publicans..." So if a regular tax collector was despised, he was really despised.


The reason the tax collectors were so despised during the time of Jesus, was because most of them were dishonest. They were assigned to certain territories to collect taxes. But they had a habit of collecting more than they were supposed to collect, and keeping it for themselves. Most of them were rich because they stole from the citizens.

The Bible tells us that Zacchaeus was rich because he had been involved in such sinful activities. We can see why he was so hated and despised, especially since he was the chief tax collector.

Illus: That could be the reason that he was denied passage when the Lord came to Jericho. They all knew who he was, and that he had "ripped them off" on their tax bills, and there was nothing they could do about that. But, perhaps they decided they could do something now, they could stop him from making his way through the crowd, and they did.

Whatever the reason, we are not sure, but this we know; he could not get close to Jesus because the crowd was between him and the Lord. As we look at THE PERSON OF ZACCHAEUS, let us also look at...


Zacchaeus was evidently a typical rich man - still not satisfied although he had all he needed and more.

Illus: He was like the man who said he had been married 15 years ago by the Justice of the Peace, and for the last 15 years he has not had JUSTICE or PEACE.

However, Zacchaeus was persistent in trying to find happiness.

How do we know that? Because, had he been SATISFIED with all his wealth and material goods, he would not have been seeking for what he had heard that Jesus had to offer - PEACE AND SATISFACTION.

Perhaps he heard some Christians one day, talking about the PEACE they had since they believed on Christ. It was a peace he never had.

Most Christians today do not witness to the lost world about what the Lord has done in their hearts, as much as they should.

Maybe this is how Zacchaeus had heard about Christ. He realized that the riches he had did not satisfy, and he had heard that Christ was coming, and he wanted to see Him for himself. So, that is what he set out to do.

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