The Proof Is Found In Love Series
Contributed by Michael West on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is about the servant Jesus and the example He gaves us that ushers in spirtual authority.
Sunday January 12th, 2003
Series: Spiritual Authority Part Two
Sermon: The Proof Is Found In The Love
Scripture: Philippians 2:4-5
Greatness does not come from position and titles. True greatness comes from being a servant.
How many know there is power in the name of Jesus.
Let’s see how Jesus got it.
I really want spiritual authority, how about you? When I put my feet on the floor in the morning I want hell to quake and shake and the demons shout, he’s up again! How many of you want that?
Everything in the kingdom of God is upside down—first is last, last is first—try to make something happen in the flesh, God will make sure you don’t have it. If you want more money, you have to give away some of what you got regularly—He gives seed to the sower not seed to the selfish!
Phil 2:4
Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. We would be light years ahead if we would get interested in other people.
Phil 2:5-
Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself.
When we are willing to go lower, God will lift you higher!
Jesus was interested in people, doing good, healing, serving, taking the anointing of God for the right purpose—not occasionally doing something good to impress His friends in church—-it was who He was!
How many want to be a great man or woman of God? I will tell you what it takes—
Matthew 20:25-28
Become a servant—-Jesus, Others, You, —look around and ask, what can I do for them today. You don’t so what you have, you sow what you want.—-Water glass example…Why do we do that? Cause it makes us important.
We all want to be important. Jesus says forget all that, be a servant instead.
We do it because we esteem someone else more important than an another...Jesus was saying forget that nonsense, everyone is important.
Everybody can do what I’m talking about today. God has put people in everybody’s life. Quit crying...what about my ministry….look around you, your ministry is right here, it’s over there. Your neighbor. The person at work. Your children, your wife.
How about the person that hurt you? Whoa...but they never did anything for me!
Great! Now is your great opportunity to be like Jesus!
vs. 26
Do you really want to be a great man or woman of God? Then you better get up here and grab a towel
I want to dwell in the presence of God all the time. I pray for that.
I John 4:12
God is love. When love is flowing between two people, He is there. And, He is not there when someone is zoning out. Mmm...leave me alone, can’t you see I’m in the presence of God!
We do need time alone with God. Soaking up His presence equips us to deal with people, to bless those who have never blessed us and never will, to equip us for ministry like Jesus...to doing good. There is so much you can do for people.
Quit saying you can’t or don’t have the money or resources, because you do and you know it.
And, it doesn’t have to be obvious what you are up to.
We need to learn to be a sneaky giver. Ask questions and then do something for the person.
I John 3:11-12
From the very beginning God’s message, the message of Jesus, the Holy Spirit’s purpose, has been about loving one another. But there are brothers like Cain and sisters who slay others with words and deeds...this should not be so.
I John 3:17-18
This says that I have a heart of compassion and that I can open it or close it. We see a need. We start thinking, they don’t do this and they don’t do that...you know mercy triumphs over judgment. The only time we should not help somebody is when helping them will hinder them. Because if we keep doing everything for them, it doesn’t help them. They will never learn to do things for themselves.
Vs 18—
Vs 19-20
God knows everything, no matter how well you think you can hide from Him or hide something from Him.
Vs 21—
Right standing brings confidence
And with that, whatever you ask for in that right standing with God you will receive it….
Vs 22—
The clincher being that we are watching and obeying, following through with what our big mouths have said we would do.
Vs 23-24
This is how we stay in His presence. And when we are in His presence, we find the proof of His existence, His life, that He lives. In His presence, by right standing, the prayers are not only heard, but answered.
Romans 12:21 — We overcome evil with good.