
Summary: There are a number of passages in the New Testament known by some as "difficult sayings of Jesus"; one of which is, "I did not come to bring Peace but a Sword". This sermon explains Christ’s Words using Creative Homiletics. Creative messages, if done corr

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Advertising is quite effective. It is so effective that millions of dollars are spent each year just to acquire 60 seconds worth of air time during the Super Bowl. When asked why companies are willing to spend so much money for just 60 seconds of air time, the response is simple. Companies believe that the proper ad can do at least four things; RAISE AWARENESS, CHANGE PERCEPTION, EFFECT CUTURE (meaning take advantage of your state of mind), and PROMOTE AUTHORITY. Companies feel that AUTHORITY is promoted because if you can afford to have a commercial air during the SUPERBOWL, you must be doing quite well.

I think RAISING AWARENESS is the primary goal of advertising. In fact I bet you that right now I could mention a slogan from commercials as far back as the 50’s and most of you would know what product they advertised. Let’s give that a try and please feel free to just shout out an answer.

• Nike, "Just do it", Wieden & Kennedy, 1988

• McDonald’s, "You deserve a break today", Needham, Harper & Steers, 1971

• Maxwell House, "Good to the last drop", Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, 1959

• Burger King, "Have it your way", BBDO, 1973

• Campbell Soup, "Mmm mm good", BBDO, 1930s

• M&Ms, "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands", Ted Bates & Co., 1954

• Timex, "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking", W.B. Doner & Co & predecessor agencies, 1950s

• Wendy’s, "Where’s the beef?", Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample, 1984

• Charmin, "Please don’t squeeze the…", Benton & Bowles, 1964

• Wheaties, "Breakfast of champions", Blackett-Sample-Hummert, 1930s

• Coca-Cola, "It’s the real thing", McCann-Erickson, 1970

• Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, "Snap! Crackle! and Pop!", Leo Burnett Co., 1940s

• 7 UP, "The Uncola", J. Walter Thompson, 1970s

• Wisk detergent, "Ring around the collar", BBDO, 1968

• Life cereal, "Hey, Mikey", Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1972

• Hallmark, "When you care enough to send the very best", Foote, Cone & Belding, 1930s

• AT&T, "Reach out and touch someone", N.W. Ayer, 1979

• Brylcreem, "A little dab’ll do ya", Kenyon & Eckhardt, 1950s

• Motel 6, "We’ll leave a light on for you", Richards Group, 1988

• Jell-O, Bill Cosby with kids, Young & Rubicam, 1975

These advertising campaigns were fairly successful. Maybe they were successful simply because we heard them over and over and over again, or maybe they were successful because they were entertaining or that the products held high factors of integrity; meaning we like and still use the products.

So, with these thoughts on my mind and after reading today’s Gospel lesson, I began to look at the words and work of Jesus in light of an advertising campaign. In fact I took it one step further and began to imagine how such a campaign would be received if Jesus were doing his ministry today; here in America. What if our Lord was in the midst of his ministry right now? What would his slogan be? Could he, through the public media, create the same four pronged success strategy that today’s ad’s target? And if he was able to RAISE AWARENESS, CHANGE PERCEPTION, EFFECT CULTURE AND PROMOTE AUTHORITY and you “r e c e I v e d” his product, would you be satisfied?

So let’s imagine that you recently watched Jesus on television for the first time and you have since followed his advertising campaign. You have seen him teach, heal, and encourage. You have watched him promote love, compassion and mercy. Not only has Jesus RAISED AWARENESS about himself but, he also CHANGED YOUR PERCEPTION about Him over time. In a world that faces war, and poverty and wickedness at every turn, your eyes have been glued to the television and you are ready to jot down that 1-800 number so that you can have Jesus come to your home. The reason you are ready for Jesus is because you feel that what he most represents is PEACE!

With everyone at each other’s throats; with all the various opinions on abortion, lifestyle changes, politics, marriage and freedom of expression PEACE is truly what this Nation needs.

PEACE is truly what we all need and so you pick up the phone because you want Jesus to come to your home and teach you about discipleship. And after a small donation, Jesus is said to arrive at your home in 7 to 10 business days.

Once at your home, Jesus seemed to be everything as advertised. He began to teach about the true meaning of discipleship. He spoke of us confessing Him before men, and that if we did this, he would confess us before God. He told you that even the hairs on your head are numbered by God. Truly, you thought to yourself, this man was all about PEACE. Then suddenly, as if Jesus read your thoughts, he said these words, “Do not think that I came to bring PEACE on the earth; I did not come to bring peace but, a sword. For I came to set a Man against his Father, and a Daughter against her Mother.

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