The Priceless.
Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 1, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: What is the price of the priceless? -What is priceless to you? Imagine if there was a treasure hidden in a field. -Imagine it was worth 100 times the value of everything you own.
The Priceless.
Matthew 13:44TPT
What is the price of the priceless?
At four months old, Leo had never seen his parents. He had been born with a rare condition that left his vision blurred. For him, it was like living in dense fog. But then a doctors fit him with a special set of glasses.
Leo's father posted the video of mom placing the new glasses over his eyes for the first time.
In that moment, little Leo could see clearly.
Perhaps this morning we need to put on our God glasses so we can clearly see who Jesus really is.
-What is priceless to you?
Imagine if there was a treasure hidden in a field. -Imagine it was worth 100 times the value of everything you own.
Moreover the field was for sale. And the asking price was equal to everything you possessed.
So you decide to sell everything you have and purchase the field.
-The treasure is now yours.
Matthew 13:44TPT ““Heaven’s kingdom realm can be illustrated like this: “A person discovered that there was hidden treasure in a field. Upon finding it, he hid it again. Because of uncovering such treasure, he was overjoyed and sold all that he possessed to buy the entire field just so he could have the treasure.”
So the treasure is now yours. How much did it cost you to buy the treasure?
You would probably say everything you owned.
However, it didn’t cost you anything.
Remember, You paid everything you had, and purchased the field, but not the treasure…
1 Peter 1:19ERV “You were bought with the precious blood of Christ’s death. He was a pure and perfect sacrificial Lamb.”
Again, the treasure didn’t cost you anything. However, you paid for the field with everything you had.
However, you can never pay for the treasure in the field. Again, You only pay for the field.
-The treasure is beyond your ability.
Remember this, The treasure can’t be bought, only sought.
One of my favorite reality shows is, Gold Rush.
Those truly seeking this precious mineral speak often of ‘Gold Fever.’ Gold Fever makes its victim do the extreme, cast caution to the wind. So you could say, “Gold Fever impairs judgment.”
How bout you? Are you ready to throw caution to the wind and trust God?
There was a Seinfeld episode where Kramer scoots into Jerry’s apartment where Jerry and George are talking, and he says "Do you guys want to have some fun!" George and Jerry say "Sure." And then Kramer says "Do you really want to have some fun? Or are you just saying you want to have some fun?" And George says "I really want to have some fun." And Jerry says "I was just saying I want to have some fun.”
So the question is, Do you trust God? Or are you just saying you trust God?
If you trust God, you’ll do what He says, no matter how foolish or impossible it seems - and leave the results to Him. If you’re just saying that you trust God, you’ll spend your resources on yourself, you’ll hold on to whatever amount will help you find security, you’ll do things Your way.
Once more, You give everything you have for the field, but the treasure is priceless.
James 1:18NLT He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.
The treasure was beyond your ability to buy, even with all your possessions. It was, in fact, priceless. -And yet it was free!
Why? Because you are His prized possession!
The text I read to you, Matthew 13:44 was the parable Messiah gave of a man who buys a field, in order to gain the treasure within it.
Once more, Matthew 13:44AMP ““The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field [securing the treasure for himself].”
What do you think the treasure represents? Salvation? Eternal life? The blessings of God?
All correct, you can never earn or warrant God‘s blessings, or his salvation, or eternal life.
You can never earn or warrant the treasure. A million years of perfect works could not purchase it. -It’s priceless!
Luke 18:22TPT ““Ah,” Jesus said, “there’s still one thing you’re missing in your life.” “What is that?” asked the man. “You must go and sell everything you own and give all the proceeds to the poor so you will have eternal treasures. Then come and follow me.””
What is Jesus saying in, verse 22? Go sell your field. Sell your wants, Sell your agenda, and follow Me (Jesus)!
Jesus is saying, I’m the treasure in the field. The treasure is priceless.