The Preserving Work Of God
Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Oct 25, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: The Father had a significant role in the past aspect of our salvation. Christ had the prominent role in our present salvation, and the Spirit holds the primary role in the future aspect of our salvation – sealing and preserving believers.
The Preserving work of God
Ephesians 1: 11-14
Over the past couple weeks, we have been discussing the role of the Trinity regarding our salvation. We have considered the sovereign work of God the Father and the redeeming work of Christ the Son. As we conclude this powerful passage, we will examine the preserving work of the Holy Spirit.
One could say the Father had a significant role in the past aspect of our salvation. Christ the Lord had the prominent role in our present salvation, and the Holy Spirit holds the primary role in the future aspect of our salvation – sealing and preserving believers. This is a precious biblical doctrine and a Baptist distinctive. As Baptist, we affirm the preservation of the saints through the power of the Spirit. We can rest knowing our salvation is secure through the gracious provision of our Lord. Along with the assurance of salvation, we also will discover the eternal benefits afforded the redeemed in Christ. As we discuss the certainties revealed in the text, I want to consider: The Preserving work of God.
I. The Position of the Redeemed (11) – In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Here Paul reveals the gracious position the redeemed enjoy through the provision of God. Notice:
A. The Provider – In whom we have obtained an inheritance. Paul again reminds the believer of the provision Christ made for us as He redeemed us unto Himself. Verse eleven cannot be separated from the previous verse. As we consider the varied aspects of our salvation, we must remember that it centers in Christ and His atoning sacrifice on the cross. God the Father had a plan to redeem us that included the sacrifice of His only begotten Son to atone for our sin. His plan included the preserving work of the Spirit. However, had Christ not been willing to obediently pay our sin debt in the sacrifice of His body, God’s plan would never have been fulfilled; there would be no salvation available for the Spirit to preserve. Christ is central to our salvation!
B. The Possession – In whom we have obtained an inheritance. Here we discover another amazing aspect of our salvation. Had the Lord provided a means of escape from eternal death, that would have been more than any of us deserve. Had He been willing to pardon our sin and allow us to die without being accountable and having to spend eternity in hell, that would have been gracious. However, God’s plan did not simply include forgiveness of sin. It included reconciliation unto Himself and along with that restored relationship, the promise of an eternal inheritance.
We cannot possibly fathom what waits for us in eternity. Paul declares we have obtained an inheritance in Christ. Spiros Zodhiates, the Greek scholar, defined our inheritance this way – Christians have become heirs of God due to the fact that God predestined them according to His purpose. Those who were sinful and undeserving have received unmerited favor. God willfully chose to make us His heirs, promising not only forgiveness and reconciliation, but eternal life that includes an inheritance in heaven. We are blessed beyond measure in Christ! Rom.8:16-17 – The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: [17] And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
C. The Purpose (11b) – In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Such an inheritance is possible because the Lord declared it to be so. This was in the plan and will of God since before the foundation of the world. In His grace and mercy, God chose to redeem us unto Himself and make us heirs with Christ. God has appointed an eternal inheritance for each and every one of the redeemed. Isn’t that a wonderful blessing? We may not be well known in this life. We may struggle financially and socially, feeling as if life has been difficult and unfair. That may be the reality here, but child of God, there is a better day coming for the redeemed. We have been chosen by the Lord. He loved us enough to die in our place; He is preparing us a mansion in glory. We will be in heaven, in His glorious presence, at His invitation, according to His provision, to receive the inheritance He purposed to provide. What a blessing!
II. The Praise of the Redeemed (12) – That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. Paul goes on to discuss the praise the redeemed will offer in heaven. Consider: