The Prayer Of Hannah
Contributed by Adewale B T Shittu on Jul 20, 2013 (message contributor)
Summary: Living in a violent world calls for a more aggressive approach to prayer warfare. The prayer of Hannah epitomises the importance of the Holy Spirit as an intersessor and it is only when he takes over that answers to prayers are made manifest.
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The Prayer of Hannah.
Prayer is communication between man and God. One of the ways your request
or your desire or expectation can be granted is through the place of prayers. The
Bible says we should pray without ceasing. That is we must pray in and out of
season. The Word of God stated in James 5:16 ‘That the effectual and the
fervent prayer of the righteous availed much’. That is your prayer must have
impact, an effect, and it must be performed with fervency. In other word, you
need to pray with fervency and with effectiveness for your prayers to be
answered. Leaving in a violent world calls for a violent way of praying and a
much violent way of intersession in the place of prayer. God lend a support to
this premise when He said in His Word in Matthew 11:12 that ‘from the days of
John the Baptist up to the present moment, the kingdom of Heaven suffered
violence and it is only the violent that can take it by force’.
Manifesting as the sons and daughters of God call for a more violent
and aggressive pattern of warfare in praying and in intersession as well. Beloved,
possessing your possession, living a life of exploit and dominion,
fulfilling your divine goal and potential, becoming unstoppable and untouchable,
and to destroy the works of darkness demand that your life is attracted to
praying with fervency and consistency. Pastor Watchman Nee was quoted as
saying that ‘until we begin to bleed in the place of prayer, we can never be a
blessing to others’. That was the reason when Jesus went to Gethsemane to pray,
the Bible recorded that the sweat that that came out of His body was like blood
and you will agree with me that there is no dispute as to the level of groaning and
aggression that Jesus imputed into that prayer regime in Gethsemane. Permit me
to inform you beloved that it was not only on the Cross that Jesus bled, He also
bled while interceding for you because he is your intercessor.
In the book of 1 Samuel, the Bible told us about a man called
Elkanah, an Ephramite who had two wives; one was Hannah and the second
being Peninnahr. Hannah had no children but Penninahr had many children.
The Bible stated in 1 Samuel 1:5 that this man called Elkannah loved his wife so
much but the Lord had shut her womb. I decree and I command that every
womb shut shall be opened in the name of Jesus. In 1 Samuel 1:6, the Bible
stated that because Hannah could not give birth to children, her adversary made
her fret, sad and sorrowful. May be there is an adversary that is provoking you,
despising you, mocking and laughing at you because of certain unpleasant things
in your life or because of the situation you are going through , I prophesy that
every adversary provoking you to make you sad and sorrowful in your situation
shall be disgraced in the name of Jesus. That is what the enemy did to Hannah in
1 Samuel 1 verse 7. Year after year when she went to the house of God, the
enemy provoked her to the point that she wept and lost her appetite for food and
for living. The enemy provoked Hannah year after year; she was turned into a
laughing stock. The Psalmist say ‘My tears have been my meat, day and night
when the enemy continually say unto me where is your God’. In Proverbs 4:16-
17, the Bible informed that there are certain kind of people, the only time they
sleep is when they have done mischief and when they have caused somebody to
fall because they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. I
decree into your life that, all those who year after year have provoked you, those
who have mocked you, those who have made you weep without a cause, those
who have made you lose appetite, those who are laughing at the situation you are
going through shall soon rejoice with you, God will turn your situation around
and make you sing a new song in the name of Jesus.
Beloved, Hannah got to a point in her life when she decided that
change must happen in her life. The desire for change is the catalyst for open
heaven and the next level. She got to a level where she believed her life as a
barren woman must come to an end. The desire for a change is a signal to yoke
braking. A man can exist forever behind his divine schedule for his indecision to
actively desire a change in his situation. After Jacob stole the blessing that is , in