
Summary: THE PEACE OF GOD IN OUR HEARTS is to be at one with God, fully trusting Him to do all that He has said, never wavering.

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HAVING THE PEACE OF GOD IN OUR HEARTS : Colossians 3:15-17 5-23-07

Today as we all know medical science has come a long way, who, not so many years ago would have ever thought that one day doctors would be doing heart transplants, putting pace makers in peoples hearts, replacing damaged arteries & valves and all such as this. And all that is wonderful, but did you ever think about it; God has been in the heart changing business ever since He created man.

Colo. 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

Colossians 3:15-17 15And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 17And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

Here in verse 15 we have a fruit of the Holy Spirit: peace.

Philippians 4:7 7And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

This peace passeth all understanding

Rule means, “to umpire.” The peace of God should govern our hearts.

When a new life enters the world, a new heart enters the world too. There is no life apart from a physical heart. And so it is with the believer: the believer receives a new heart when he receives a new life.

In verse 15 0f col.3: we read that this new heart that God gives is ruled by his peace:

15And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, -------------

The word “peace” means to be joined; it means to be assured, confident, and secure in the love and care of God. It means to know that God will take care of us no matter the problem or circumstance. God will...

· strengthen-· encourage-· guide -· sustain -· deliver-· save -· provide-· give life both now and forever.

Knowing these things should certainly bring peace to our hearts.

And let us notice, that this peace is the peace of God, and He alone possesses it, and so if a person is to have true peace, that person must receive the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.

There will never be any peace here in this world as long as the devil is loose on this earth, but we as believers can and do have peace in our hearts, when I go to bed at night I’m not worried about should I die in my sleep where I will be, because I have the peace of God in my heart that I’m as saved as I’m going to be.

Dear heart if you’re saved just remember that no matter what tomorrow may bring, when it’s all said and done every thing is alright between you and God.

But lets notice, that this peace of God is to rule in our hearts—

I’m afraid that some of us don’t want to recognize this word rule—

The word “rule” means to be or to act as an umpire. Peace is to be the umpire, the deciding factor in all circumstances and situations of our life.

We’re to let the peace of the decider [umpire] of all things within our heart.

What does that mean Brother Brown? It means to feel at peace about what your about to do, if your not sure about a matter, then maybe its best not to do it, you don’t have peace about it, not as yet anyway, maybe later if the Lord so wills.

We as believers must make a choice—are we going to allow the peace of God to rule or not?

I want us to notice that this is not a request it’s a command.

15And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,

The bible commands it, but the believer has to be willing to let the umpire of peace rule. We need to be willing to lay aside all the differences and circumstances and let Jesus handle them through the rule of His peace.

Jesus said in; John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid

The reason why believers are to let the peace of Christ rule is clearly stated: 15-b to the which also ye are called in one body -we are called to be in one body. We are not called to be in two bodies or many bodies, but in one. Any believer who stands out there in another body is not a genuine believer.

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