The Path That Leads To Nowhere
Contributed by Andy Grossman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Three things that will help us reach our destination
“The Path that Leads to Nowhere”
February 24, 2013
Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.”
Last week, as I went on my Morning Prayer Walk (I walk and pray as I go along) my way was covered in snow. Everything was pure and white and beautiful. No one had been before me and the path lay before me pure and unmarred. When the sun broke through the clouds, the path lit up with diamonds sparkling in the snow – so pure and white it was almost blinding.
It reminded me of life. Every day is a fresh new day – unmarred by wrong choices, untainted by bad attitudes, unblemished by our sinful selfish nature. Every day is a gift from God (that’s why they call it ‘the present’); every day is ours to do with as we choose. God gave us that ability. Every day we create something with our attitudes; our gifts; our passions; our choices. It lies before us like a path on a snowy day. We are making eternal footprints on a pure white, unblemished path. But sometimes that path leads up. Sometimes the path is treacherous. And it goes by so quickly. We need to make the most of every day - because every senior citizen says, “It went by so quickly!”
Jesus, in our Scripture, points out that at some point we come to a fork in the road. One path is wide and easy and inviting with lots of company. There are many people on this path. Unfortunately, it leads to destruction.
The other path is narrow. It’s not easy to walk a narrow path. It takes concentration and deliberation. You can’t day dream on this path – its work. It reminds me of that path that leads up to Mount Eddy. Some of you climbed it with me. It was all uphill with lots of twists and turns. You had to watch your footing continually or you would slip on the gravel. But it was worth it. It led to a beautiful panoramic view of the Mount Shasta and mountain lakes and streams and a beautiful vista of the valley. Jesus’ narrow path leads to eternal life.
This morning I want to talk about the path we are on – for some it’s a path to nowhere. They have no idea where they are going or even what the destination is. For them, it’s all about the journey and how to find as many pleasant spots as they can. They don’t realize that the road they are on ends in destruction.
Have you ever known someone who spent their entire life sacrificing and working hard with little play time so they could make as much money as they could – so they could live it up when retired – only to die within a year or two?
Some people, maybe most people, are on the road to nowhere. They have no idea where they are going or where they will end up. They hope for the best but they are kind of like a ping pong ball in a box car – bouncing around where ever life leads them. Kind of blowing in the wind – tossed to and fro by the winds of chance. Where they land - no one knows.
I don’t think God wants us to live our lives like that. I believe He wants us to live our lives with purpose and intent. I believe He wants us to make the most of our lives. The Word says to “make the most of every opportunity.” (Colossians 4:5) So, in order for you to do that I want to give you some suggestions that will help you on your path.
First, “Know your destination”. Years ago, I helped lead a backpacking camp. I did it for about a decade. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got to see some of the most beautiful country in creation. I backpacked in Yosemite and the Stanislaus wilderness and the Marble Mountain wilderness; we climbed Mount Shasta and Mount Whitney and the White Mountains. We even hiked in Death Valley. But in all those hikes – we were prepared. We had a destination. We knew what trails and paths to take to make it. Someone said, “If you don’t have a destination – any old path will do.” We always had a destination. We always had a goal. We always knew where we were going – well, almost always.
Do you know where you are going? Do you have a finial destination? Where do you want to end up?