
Summary: Christ came to deliver us from our shame, fears and guilt.

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The Miracle of Christmas

By Fernando Cabrera

Luke 1:1-80

1. Take away your Shame

a. We find that there was a private, silent, almost undetectable pain in the life of this precious couple Zecharias and Elizabeth – SHAME

i. 1:25 “This is the way the Lord has dealt with me in the days when He looked with favor upon me, to take away my disgrace among men”

b. Shame is a painful feeling, almost always felt privately in a public setting.

i. Shame is wanting to hide, or disappear.

1. The word shame is used 160 times in the bible, while the word guilt is used only 18 times

ii. The feeling ranges from a sense of mild embarrassment or a sense of complete cringing humiliation.

1. crawling under a rug

2. A mother is secretly ashamed that her son is a drug addict. A brother is quietly ashamed that his younger sister is very obese. A woman is ashamed of her mother’s drinking and cursing. A father is secretly ashamed that his eldest son is less than athletic, and his younger son is less than brilliant. An aunt is ashamed that her niece is in a wheel chair. A sister is ashamed that her brother is gay and wishes he wouldn’t ever talk about it, or mention his partner-in-life at the supper table during holidays. A parent is ashamed that a son or daughter is losing a job, or not doing well at work.. A famous doctor is ashamed that he has been married three times before age 35.. Suburban, well-to-do parents are ashamed of their son who is serving twenty years in prison. A man is ashamed to put on a bathing suit at the beach because he fears that he will hear comments that he looks like an ape. One woman is ashamed of her small bosom. A ten-year-old is ashamed he cannot understand his school work. A grandmother is ashamed that her 50-year-old daughter has married a 29-year-old man, a man younger than her eldest grandson.

a. Whenever anyone keeps a secret, then I’d say you’re awfully close to a living fountain of shame.

b. Shame disguises itself: anger, depression, anxiety, loud mouth, introvert…how does your shame disguises itself!

c. Shame give you A sense that we are flawed

d. there are two responses we can generally make to this kind of toxic build-up of shame:

i. one is to be less than who we are

1. letting in that little voice that told me over and over again I was a failure

2. Shame is the sense of "not measuring up."

ii. The other response is to try to be more than who we are, to be perfect, and to control all the circumstances around us as best we can so that everything can appear perfect

1. these are the people that are very careful how they speak, they calculate every movement, they dare to share their weakness, they can never say they are wrong

e. I can imagine those who had children would look at them and say, “No prophet or Messiah would come through this couple, since they have no child”

i. But God says, “It is not over until I say it is over”

1. I am here to tell you this morning that God is not finished with you yet

ii. But God said, “I am seldom early, but never late” …


i. The blessing flowed from God’s house to the man’s house

ii. face the pain instead of saving face

1. Many people don’t go to church because they are trying to save face

2. Shame isolate us from others

a. It is time to go to God’s house and have an experience with God

b. God is about to roll away your disgrace and shame this morning – First Miracle of Christmas

iii. Look at what God did for this man for seeking the Lord in God’s House

1. His Marriage became fruitful

a. This man had been carrying this pain in prayer

b. Some of you this morning, God is going to mend and heal your marriage

2. Your children will become forerunners of a new generation

a. They will no longer become followers, but leaders

i. John the Baptist was a true leader

g. Some will say, you don’t know my family tree: Take notice that in Jesus geneology in Matthew that one of his anscestors was Rahab, a prostitute. And Tamar, she had been raped. And the wife of Uriah, Bathsheba ... adulteress ... shame, shame, shame.

i. Jesus is going to restores your identity this morning

h. The biggest shame Christians have today is that they are not truly serving God will all of their hearts

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