The Man Who Fears The Lord Series
Contributed by Paul Apple on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
(:1A) INTRODUCTION: "Praise the Lord!"
Sets the tone for this study
This is another acrostic poem, the lines of which begin with successive letters of the
Hebrew alphabet.
I. WHO IS THIS MAN? = "the man who fears the Lord"
(comments on the fear of the Lord)
Three Identifying Characteristics:
(makes it easy to spot a man who fears the Lord)
A. Enthusiastic Obedience: "Who greatly delights in His commandments"
How often can we say this of our children?
If we really have their maturity and blessing in mind, why isn’t this their reaction more often?
Doesn’t find God’s commandments burdensome; not a chore to obey God
Doesn’t obey grudgingly or out of necessity; God loves a cheerful obeyer
Christ: "Lo, I delight to do Thy will . . ."
B. Christlikeness (:4)
1. Gracious / Generous
"he lends" (:5)
"He has given freely to the poor" (:9)
2. Compassionate
3. Righteous = "upright " (:2)
cf. "righteousness" (:9)
C. Faith Rather Than Fear (:7-8)
1. Positively: "His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord"
2. Negatively: "He will not fear evil tidings"
II. HOW IS HE BLESSED BY GOD?.A. Prosperous Posterity
1. Influence and Power = "mighty on the earth"
2. Material Wealth and Riches
abundance and contentment; fulfillment; satisfaction
3. Enduring Righteousness
B. Clear Vision
"Light arises in the darkness for the upright"
What is true about a man who walks in darkness?
Can’t see where he is going
Stumbles and falls
Even in tough times, the righteous have the light of the Lord’s presence and guidance
C. Successful Outcomes
1. Overall Success: "It is well with the man . . ." (:5a)
cf. Song: "It is Well With My Soul"
2. Critical Success: "He will maintain his cause in judgment" (:5b)
he will be found successful in the critical battles that arise
(Alternative translation: "he will guide his affairs with discretion" =
Maintain his integrity)
3. Lasting Success: "he will never be shaken" (:6a)
4. Final Word: Excellent Reputation and Lasting Legacy (:6b)
"The righteous will be remembered forever"
D. Heart Anchored in Faith Rather Than Adrift in Fear (:7-8)
1. Positively: Anchored in Faith
"His heart is upheld" -- God responds to his faith and upholds his heart
Calm and untroubled even in the face of adversity
2. Negatively: Not Adrift in Fear
"He will not fear" -- no such thing for him as "evil tidings"
Rom. 8:28
James 1:17
"let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid".
A. Frustration -- because of the Ultimate Prosperity and Blessing Showered on the Righteous
"the wicked will see it and be vexed"
Envy eats away at his heart
B. Suffering and Diminishing
"He will gnash his teeth and melt away"
C. Despair -- No Satisfaction or Fulfillment
"The desire of the wicked will perish"
Ask the unsaved: "What do you want out of life and/or eternity?"
God says "You can’t have it!" -- you will never be satisfied or fulfilled
Even the pleasures of the flesh will not last forever
But the Word of the Lord endures forever (and those who delighted in doing His will)
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1) In what ways can you be a blessing to your children and their children?
2) The focus of people is often on themselves and their family. As God’s steward and blessed by Him, what are your responsibilities to yourself, family and others?
3) Are you more blessed, the more sacrificially you give?
4) Honesty and generosity are linked with being obedient to God and subsequently blessed by Him. Living this way allows you to embrace life without fear because of your trust in God. Think of how your life impacts those around you: your family, friends and
neighbors. Is this motivation enough to live that kind of a Christ-like life?
Download the entire Psalms commentary in pdf format
(including notes on each psalm from other commentators)