
Summary: We all stray from God’s path. But the grass really isn’t better on the other side.

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The Lost Son


Luke 15:11-32

There are many great parables throughout the bible. Jesus used many of these parables to teach the disciples. I imagine he knew that these parables would be used in today’s times. I would like to talk about the lost son. This is one of my personal favorites. This is the third in a series of parables about lost things. The first was about lost sheep. The second was about lost silver. Of course the third is the lost son. Someone once said that this parable is the crown and the pearl of all parables. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it is greatest short story ever told in or out of the bible. (read scripture)

I would like for us to look at this parable because I think it is was on the most exciting parables Jesus ever told. It would make a really good movie. It would be about a boy living out on Co.Rd 265. He gets tired of the family farm and his father restraints. So he decides to move out to the big city. He lives high on the hog. His newfound friends help him spend his money. Then all of a sudden things go arye. His has hit rock bottom. Gets back up and goes back to his father to reconcile. Wouldn’t that be a great movie?

Sometimes we as Christians when we become saved we might take advantage of our inheritance. We run and sin enjoying the lost world’s pleasures. Living life without consequences. That’s where sin begins. The desire to live your life independently from God, the desire to do things the way you want to do things. Guess what God will let you do just that. If you’re determined to things all alone then god will let you. God gave you a will. God doesn’t force you to love him. He wants you to come to him on your on free will.

What happens to the son in verses 13,14,and 15? He spent all his money. He was a good time Charlie, a party animal with lots of money. and of course with wealth comes plenty of so-called friends. I’m not going to tell you the boy wasn’t having fun. We all know better than that. The devil is to smart of a fisherman to go fishing without any bait. The devil knows exactly what to dangle in front of our faces to get us hooked. I think of people in Hollywood or sports stars surrounded by friends till their worlds come crashing in.That is also what happens to the son. World comes crashing in and everyone’s gone.

Hungry, tired, and broke all during a famine. Guess what this rich kid did, he got a job. A JOB. Do you realize what this kid done? He got a job feeding pigs. Now Jewish laws hold pigs/swine really low. It is consider below their standards. A Jew wouldn’t touch a hog with a ten-foot pole. All of this was God’s alarm clock to wake the boy up. I can see the boy thinking to himself "where are all of my friends gone” or "What did do with all of my money,

Oh the money all my money where did all that money go. I shouldn’t spent all my money.

I also imagine him asking himself how far have I fallen.” Not long ago I was with my father now look at me." What happened to the son when he came to his senses? In verse 17 he wondered how many of my father’s hired hands eat better than he does. He came to his senses and he was going home to ask for forgiveness. Going home a changed man, a new person. Going home not demanding what he deserved bit what he can get. GIVE ME has been replaced with HELP ME. Defiance has been replaced with repentance. He came asking for everything with nothing to give in return.

The son became prideful. He was intent on doing it his way. Instead of going straight to his father he had tried to do it himself He let pride get in the way. Maybe you are letting pride get in your way for serving God. Does pride keep you from being obedient unto God as you should be? Proverbs11: 2 says,” When pride comes then come disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." The son came to his senses with humiliation. I like the reaction of the father when the son comes. He ran to him with open arms. The father rejoicing and happy that his son was home again. Isn’t that a lot like our father? The bible says the angels rejoice when one is saved. Jesus is a lot like the father. He is standing there with open arms. To prove that they would always be open he had them nailed open.

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