The Lord Says
Contributed by Ronald Keller on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Three things of which we must not boast, and three things of which we may boast: Things that bring delight to God.
I GET TIRED: Of some baseball or football players telling me what kind of hot-dog or soup to eat: Of partially dressed Hollywood starlets or stars stating the kind of car that I should drive or which motor oil to use in that car: Of former professional sports stars pretending that the type of aspirin tablet that they take will cure all my ills: Of Hollywood stars
implying that my life will be spiced up and improved by drinking the alcoholic beverage that they hold in their hands: Of kids asking their mothers to buy a box of Wheaties, just because some newly crowned athlete, whose picture is on the box, endorsed it in a commercial and said, "this is the breakfast of champions…" I am still tired of hearing the Dixie Chicks(country singers) trying to explain why they said our President is an "embarrassment!
What credibility do these spokespersons have? Are they expert mechanics, nutritionists, health care professionals? Statesmen? No. They just get paid lots of money to use their popularity and looks to sell products.
Often I hear people quoting words said by the chairman of the Federal Reserve, some politician, comedian, economist, professor, doctor, TV news reporter.... They quote as important truth what that person says or
endorses. Then when they hear a Christian quote the Bible they say, "You are out of touch with reality… Too old fashioned… The Bible is just another book." Jesus said that he was, "the way, the truth and the life…" What he said in the Bible is of extreme and eternal importance to every person. What was the old saying? "When ________ __________ speaks, everyone listens." I say, "When THE LORD speaks, we all MUST LISTEN to what HE SAYS."
In the Scripture that I just read, we see that, THE LORD SAYS—DO NOT BOAST of--wisdom…strength…riches… THE LORD SAYS—DO BOAST ABOUT—-understanding and knowing God and His kindness…justice…righteousness. Since He is the one who made us and sustains us, we certainly should listen to what ever THE LORD SAYS.
Too many people think that they know more than God. Some teachers, professors, evolutionists, scientists, abortionists, politicians, personal advice columnists, astrologers, witches, homosexuals, anarchists, cult leaders, preachers, authors, educators, humanists…Boast
that their wisdom is truth. What the LORD SAYS is the most important and final word. Listen to the words of Jesus: "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my
disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."(John 8;31-32)
We must not let the words of mere humans be treated as equal to the words of our Lord. We must not make them our idols or our gods. Recently, in one of my devotional books, I read the following statement: "The gods are dying. The gods of this world are sick unto death…Where is the security that they promised? Where is the peace? The terrible truth is that the gods of this world are no more worthy of our ultimate trust than are themen who created them."(Fredrick Buechner) Are you guilty of having other gods before the Lord, the Only Lord?
About idols, the Psalmist wrote, "Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them."(Psalm 113:8) We long to be like the God who made us and is making us in His image. He will carry us through…
I do not think that Jeremiah is only speaking of those who posses great physical strength. We have all heard the saying, "Might makes right." There are other kinds of strength in which we should not boast. Political strength ebbs and flows at the fickleness of man. "What have you done for me, recently?"—Is the question the fickle ask. The strength of pretty or
plastic people only lasts until the wrinkles or weight gain , or someone more attractive comes along. People who dominate through personality are soon replaced by new voices. Powerful champions are replaced or die.
"God is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in the time of trouble."(Psalm 46:1) God is eternal. He is in every believer. He gives strength for our pilgrimage to Heaven.
Far too often Americans equate riches with great wisdom. Now there are lots of rich people who are wise and who work hard: But there are also lots of rich people who had their riches given to them by someone else. There are some rich people who were just in the right place at the right time. They worked, but God gave the increase. There is great power in money.