The Lord's Prayer
Contributed by Brian Credille on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message looks at the prayer Jesus prayed for His disciples, and for all who would believe in Him.
The prayer of Jesus found in the Sermon on the Mount is often called "The Lord’s Prayer." It would be more accurate to call it "The Model Prayer," because Jesus uses it to teach us how to pray. In John 17, we find a very personal, heartfelt prayer by our Lord. It is truly accurate to call it, "The Lord’s Prayer." The setting for this prayer is that Jesus has just completed supper with his disciples, and Judas has left to go and make his arrangements for betrayal (13:27). In this prayer of our Lord we find:
A. Time
1. After a sermon / Preach
2. After the Lord’s Supper
3. It was a family prayer - for His disciples.
4. It was a parting prayer.
5. It was a preface to His Sacrifice.
6. It showed His intercession for His people.
B. He prayed with fervent desire.
A. He prayed for Himself (vv. 1-5).
1. He addressed His Father.
2. He prayed to be glorified in the upcoming events.
a. So that He might glorify the Father.
b. Statement on eternal life - vv. 2-3.
c. The was finished, now to be glorified - vv. 3-4.
B. He Prays for His Disciples (vv. 6-19).
1. He states that the disciples believe - vv. 6-8.
2. He prays for only them, not for the world - v. 9.
3. The disciples belonged to God - v. 10.
4. He prays that they will be kept, even as they were with Him. - vv. 11-12.
5. The World has hated them - vv. 13-14.
6. He prays that His disciples will be kept from the evil one - vv. 15-16.
7. He prays that His disciples will be sanctified - vv. 17-19.
C. He prayed for all believers (vv. 20-26).
1. Jesus prayed for all the converts of His disciples - that would include you and me (v. 20)!
2. Jesus explains the purpose of His prayer - v. 21.
3. He prays that all believers will be one in Him - vv. 22-23.
4. Jesus wishes to keep company with us! (v. 24).
5. Jesus lives in believers - vv. 25-26.
The Lord’s Prayer reveals the loving heart of Jesus for all those who follow Him. He prayed for all those who would believe in Him, and He is personally concerned about your life today. He cares so much for you, that He asked His Father to safely bring you live with Him one day! He wants you to see Him in all His glory. Follow Jesus, and fulfill the prayer that Jesus prayed for you so many years ago!