
Summary: Beelzeboul, "the lord of the flies" is contaminating this world with his filth. It is a name for Satan who has infiltrated the whole world system. This message stems from a blowfly - read this and see how the blowfly did that.

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(28 August 2022) Today at the Lord’s Supper there was the bread on a plate on the table and communion glasses as well. We had just finished the remembrance of the bread and one was speaking about the cup.

It was then I noticed a big blowfly sitting on the bread. I got up and shooed it away. It then went to a bible that was on the table and alighted on the end of that. In the end I got up and caught the fly between my two hands. Very few flies ever get away from me.

I thought on this for a while and I saw a lesson there. The blowfly picked on the bread and the bible. Beelzeboul or Beelzebub or Beelzebul means “Lord of the flies” and is a name associated with Satan - Matthew {{12:24 but when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.”}} Of course that was blasphemy, but that meant nothing to the Pharisees who blasphemed all the time.

Beelzeboul is “lord (baal) of the dung heap” and because of the association of flies with dung, then “Lord of the flies”. The name goes to the Philistine god at Ekron where golden images of flies were known. The name also can mean “god of filth”. How fitting that all these putrid expressions can be associated with the activity of Satan. It all speaks of decay and corruption.

From my poem “Mystery of Iniquity”(8800 words) in The Naming Section:-

The “lord of the flies” in great disrepute [BEELZEBUB/ BEELZEBOUL]

Baal-zebub, Ekron’s god so filthy -

In stench and pollution he’s dissolute.

Depravity and decadence we see

Where Beelzeboul has placed his influence –

His fly-blown cesspools of impurity.

His sinfulness becomes the effluence

Contaminating human hearts and minds,

That then seeps through men’s lives to influence

All human institutions, and inclines

Decision-making towards uncleanness,

So with time’s passing, what is right, declines.

O cunning Satan, who works unfairness

And pursues it in your glorious form;

Pretends to uphold a false correctness.

For the purposes of this story, I like to think Satan sent his agents (the flies) to come in among God’s people this morning. Of course he did not literally do that, but the application is strong. Flies stand for corruption, and love filthy, putrid stuff, fitting for Satan who deals in the filth of hell, to spread his putridness all around, and through his agents, the demons (metaphorically “flies”), deposits maggots on what is good and bad, to corrupt it.


Remember the first place the blowfly landed was the loaf from the Lord’s Supper. What does the loaf/bread stand for? Well, the Lord’s body of course broken for us. The attack on the Lord’s body means an attack on the Person of Christ. That was one of the very first truths that was attacked by Satan in the early Church. The false teachers, the demonic “flies” of Satan, attacked the Lord’s Person and we had so many of the heresies taking hold.

Of course the Character and origin of the Lord would be attacked. There was no doubt. It is the number one target in the devil’s firing line to try to overcome it. Arianism that claimed Jesus was a created being, (akin to what Jehovah Witnesses believe), was probably the most widespread heresy along with Gnosticism.

If you want to weaken a movement or institution, then an enemy will go for the core of that organisation, or the head of that organisation. Naturally Satan would attack the person and work of Christ because Jesus is the cornerstone and Head of our faith. Things were added to, and subtracted from the Calvary work of the Lord Jesus. Formalism set in, followed by ritualism, and those early heresies have evolved into some awful things today. Christians must be alert for the dangerous doctrines of false teachers that eat away at the Person and work of the Lord. Satan will spread corruption, and so many today in the sleeping church can’t even recognise that. They can not see what is happening to their churches, or to the ministry in their churches, or to their church’s witness, or to their church’s doctrines. Do they even care?

Increasing numbers of churches are bringing Sodom into the church. That is a monstrous abomination. There are homosexual ministers, and churches that are happy to promote the acceptance of “gay rights” or “gay marriage”. This does not happen even in the animal kingdom where two males cohabitate. Does not even nature itself teach you right from wrong? Beelzeboul certainly has his demonic flies well organised.


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